In Fallout 4, you can give yourself any item with the player.additem command. Select an item and an amount below and copy the command to spawn it! Select an Item Select an Amount Select an item and an amount to generate a command... Add Perks All Perks In Fallout 4, you can ...
(Underscore satisfies the 4 character requirement.) KEYM –Keys. OMOD –Item mods. PERK –Perks. QUST –Quests. SPEL - Conditions affecting a character, for better ("Fortify Health"), or worse ("Alcohol Addiction"). STAT –Static objects (uses the display name, not the actual model name...
Nukapedia: The Fallout Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource for the Fallout franchise, from the 1997 video game to the 2024 Amazon television series. Come join us to create the definitive guide to all things Fallout.
Perks– Deacon grants Clock & Dagger perk to the Sole Survivor once you reach the maximum level of affinity with the character. It increases player’s sneak attack damage by +20% and the duration of Stealth Boy by +40%. Affinity with Deacon can be increased by lock picking, hacking comput...
Unlike modav, this will unlock perks when you change your stats. player.setav speedmult [insert number here]— Adds a multiplier to your running speed, with hilarious consequences. player.setlevel [insert number]— Boost your level to the number specified. player.additem [item ID] [number]—...
or use the guides linked above to add LEO support manually via FO4Edit. Hope that somebody else has already created a patch. Those can usually be found above in the "Requirements" menu under "Mods requiring this file".LEO also doesn't work properly in the VR version of the game due to...
Perks - Many perks have been completely redesigned to provide new bonuses and have new purposes. Specializations - Based on the perks you have, you can choose 2 combat-based specialization at specific levels. Survival - Many changes have been made to rescale and rebalance how survival mode works...
Character Guides- Customizing your character in Fallout 4 - from SPECIAL, Perks, and basic understanding of Pip-Boy stats to making a build. Gameplay Mechanics- Stealth, hacking, difficulty settings, and VATS. I go into AP usage of weapons mods, and will add more to this category ...
Fallout 4 Maps, Walkthrough and Game Guides. World Map and area maps with important locations, POIs, landmarks, quest starters, secrets, friendly and enemy NPCs, skill books, fractions, companions. Perks, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and stats. Crafting stations and components....
No matter what perks or skills your character has inFallout 4, hacking will always come down to your ability as a player. There’s no way tocheat the systemhere, and if you don’t grasp what the game is asking you to do, you’re mostly out of luck. Terminals willhide great lootbeh...