The Incinerator shoots explosive fireballs at your enemies, and you get it by completing the Crucible quest in Fallout 4.
the WND doesn't have! Interested in becoming a member of the News Squad? We are always looking for people with an ear to the ground and privy to relevant news as it comes up. Reach out if interested and we'll get you set up with your new role and all of the perks attached to ...
In Fallout 4, you can add perks with the player.addperk command. Select a perk below and then apply the generated command in-game to give yourself a perk. Change player.addperk to player.removeperk if you want to remove a perk from your character instead. Select a Perk Select a perk...
If that's too cumbersome you can cheat the perks in via holotape or MCM. Loose mods of legendary effects for the first legendary slot L1 can be converted to fit the other slots (L2, L3, etc.). Detach a legendary effect in L1 and a conversion recipe for the same effect will become ...
(Underscore satisfies the 4 character requirement.) KEYM –Keys. OMOD –Item mods. PERK –Perks. QUST –Quests. SPEL - Conditions affecting a character, for better ("Fortify Health"), or worse ("Alcohol Addiction"). STAT –Static objects (uses the display name, not the actual model name...
Cait has an uncanny ‘Irish accent,’ uses chems, and allows you to do that as well (before quest Benign Intervention). These characteristics may or may not make you hate her later on in the game. Perks– Upon reaching maximum affinity with Cait, the Sole Survivor gains ‘Tiger Rush’ ...
To learn how to get the IDs you need, check the "How to Find IDs" section below. Fallout 4 NPC and faction console commands tai— Turns AI off and causes everyone to stand still with a vacant look on their face. tcai— Turns combat AI off. Brings peace to the world. Boring, ...
A Guide to Fallout 4 which covers perks, strategy, gameplay mechanics, and offers tips to help you get more enjoyment from the game.
You still don’t need this perk, but it does deserve a more favorable mention, and it might end up being a perk pick due to the sheer number of perks we’ll get by level 30. Subscribe Now to Remove Ads Iron Fist Requirements: Level 4, Strength 4 Subscribe Now to Remove Ads Ranks:...
Fallout 4 Maps, Walkthrough and Game Guides. World Map and area maps with important locations, POIs, landmarks, quest starters, secrets, friendly and enemy NPCs, skill books, fractions, companions. Perks, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and stats. Crafting stations and components....