Right-Handed Hunting Rifle -右撇子步槍 See Through Scopes - 更好的瞄準具 Extended weapon mods - 武器改造擴展
The item ID for a flare gun is 001025ac, if you wanted to remove that from your inventory with a command, you'd type player.removeitem 001025ac. In the command player.removeitem 001025ac, the argument is 001025ac. In our command list, there are many commands that require a target ID...
Resolve the situation in whatever manner you see fit, either through quick tongue or quick draw of your gun, and return to DiMA with the news that the real Tektus is no longer an issue. DiMA will thank you for your work and encourage you to go visit the new High Confessor when you ...
00225AED No Grognak's axe (Fallout 4) Lucky Eddy +2 Luck xx0442CB No Lucky Eddy Lightning Fires an electrical charge that arcs between targets. xx001126 No Tesla rifle Lorenzo's Artifact Gun Removes area of effect damage and direct hit radiation poisoning; adds direct hit explosive da...
5.Minigun(Fallout 3 & New Vegas) The Mini-gun is a multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire, employing Gatling-style rotating barrels. It was a standard military weapon before theGreat War, with Rockwell's CZ series being the most popular choice in the United States. ...
- For now all weapons/ammo are added to level list with scripts, which almost excludes conflicts to any other mod. - Added weapons: Single shotgun, Caravan shotgun, Riot shotgun, Grenade rifle, Bozar (Uniq.) - Added ammo: 12.7mm round, 12 gauge shotgun shell (Renamed original Shot...
This mod adds the French MAS-38 submachine gun to the Commonwealth, complete with custom meshes, 4K textures, 1st and 3rd person animations, sounds, and leveled list integration. It also adds consumab
Weapons like the .38 pipe gun, remain low damage at low levels, but higher level receivers will allow it to be upgraded much better now.Many weapons can have their ammo swapped in the field (as well as firing mode), using a Weapon Toolkit. Horizon also expands the ammo types, to ...
↑ Jump up to: 118.0 118.1 The Courier: "Tell me about the Gun Runners."Alexander: "The Gun Runners have been putting rapid-fire death-dealing in the hands of anyone who needed to defend himself for over a century. We're the NCR's #1 supplier of weapons and ammunition. You might ...
completing one of Curie’s personal missions, players can choose to put her into a synthetic body and make her a humanoid. As a synth, Curie is a far more effective companion with a high (but fixed) max-health stat of 670 and the ability to wear armor. She retains her laser gun. ...