Fallout 4 - Far Harbor (中英文版) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 5.00平均評分為5顆星(滿分5顆星),共4則評分 4個評分 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 瓦倫坦偵探社接到的新案件,帶領你前往尋找一名年輕女性,以及一個秘密的合成人殖民地。從緬因海岸啟程出海,航向神秘的島嶼「匕港鎮」,那裡的高度輻射創造出了一個更加...
Critic Reviews for Fallout 4: Far Harbor IGN Dan Stapleton 8.3 / 10.0 Fallout 4: Far Harbor adds a large amount of great quests and content within its gloomy but distinctive island setting. Thanks to some well-written, morally ambiguous characters, its choices are as gray as the weather, an...
I have totally loved Fallout 4, and have spent hundreds of hours happily engrossed in poring over The Commonwealth and all its many challenges and pleasures. Having said that, I didn't love the DLC's quite as much and was pretty disappointed in several of them. Far Harbor is by far my...
辐射4远港:抉择与重复 在相继踏平波士顿和核子世界后,我美利坚始皇帝,学院圣父,义勇军将军,钢铁兄弟会大长老,铁路组织一号,核子世界大头目,111号避难所急冻舱解冻者,废土物资回收公司总经理,马桶专业疏通组长,钻石城业余私家侦探,老冰棍奈斯在小日本中野的跪求下,为了几百瓶盖御驾亲征来到远港寻找离家出走的二杠子中野佳...
Critic Reviews 79 Based on 44 Critics IGN Dan Stapleton 8.3 / 10 "Fallout 4: Far Harbor adds a large amount of great quests and content within its gloomy but distinctive island setting. Thanks to some well-written, morally ambiguous... ...
在远港镇(Far Harbor)的门口,有一帮手小姐机器人(Miss Nanny)-珍珠(Pearl)。她会问你是不是派来的侦探,回答说是,那么她就会告诉你镇上出现了杀人犯的事件,希望你能够帮忙调查这个事件的真相,并给玩家一张《给侦探的请求信(Request for detective)》。
A new case from Valentine’s Detective Agency leads you on a search for a young woman and a secret colony of synths. Travel off the coast of Maine to the mysterious island of Far Harbor, where higher levels of radiation have created a more feral world.
Fallout 4: Far Harbor: Directed by Todd Howard. With Chris Andrew Ciulla, Brian T. Delaney, Dan Donohue, Crispin Freeman. A new case from Valentine's Detective Agency leads you on a search for a young woman and a secret colony of synths. Travel off the c
深入觀察合成人、原子教徒與當地居民之間日益加劇的衝突。你有辦法為島嶼帶來和平嗎?又要付出什麼代價呢? 〈Far Harbor〉追加內容提供大規模的地圖可供探索,充滿了新的陣營任務、聚落、危險生物,還有高級裝備可以搜刮。 (需要《Fallout 4》主遊戲。) 發佈者 ...
迄今为止已荣膺 200 余项“最佳”奖项的《Fallout 4》年度最佳游戏版内含 Bethesda Game Studios 备受赞誉的《Fallout 4》主游戏,以及“Automatron”、“Wasteland Workshop”、“Far Harbor”、“Contraptions Workshop”、“Vault-Tec Workshop”、“Nuka-World”全六个官方追加内容!