Issue 4 of 5 is on the counter Head back to Far Harbor and let Mitch know the outcome of your trip. Before turning in the quest it may be worth starting the other quests available as part of Living on the Edge, as completing Mitch's will also close out that broader quest. These ...
Best of all they created Curie, a very nice robot with a French accent who can accompany you on your travels. Vault 118 (Fallout 4: Far Harbor) Up for a murder mystery? Built under a hotel, Vault 118 was never completed and its experiment (to house Hollywood hotshots in the lap of ...
Fallout 4 was a strong game, but it had some weak spots when it came to the visuals, the challenge, the storytelling and the RPG elements. Bethesda obviously listened to the critique, as Far Harbor actually is a tad better than the original game. ...
After first traveling to Far Harbor and defending the harbor, travel to Beaver Creek Lanes a short distance up the coast. There are six live, low-level ghouls outside: two on the coast side, one on the roof, one in the bus and two in the car park, with one under a derelict car....
I've only watched the first episode so far. I've also only played fallouts 3, new vegas and 4. I am aware of the existence of the first two, but I never played them when they were new, and they're too dated for me to go back and try to play now. I'm not exactly some ...
While traveling through the many landmarks of the Commonwealth, the Sole Survivor can experience random encounters. The Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide separates them into eight different types of encounters: Static encounters - "These usually occur in a specific area, which could be ...
There is an outcome in the vanilla game where Hancock, the goul in charge of Good Neighbor will resign as mayor and offer to become your companion. If you have already done this, these mods still work, but you may have assigned Hancock to one of your settlements, he will magically appear...