另外,波士顿号角报大楼西边的大桥东端,有一栋掠夺者占据的公寓(Beacon Hill Apartments),内部由四层楼和狭窄的楼梯间组成,顶层是一个厨房,吧台上有杰特(Jet)、吗啡-X、啤酒,冰箱里有狗罐头(Canned dog food)、饱饱牌肉罐头(Cram)和逾期图书;厨房有一个通往外部的出口门。 避难所科技地区总部(Vault-Tec Regional...
沿高速公路往南走,会来到一处营地(Campsite),营地(Campsite)有烹饪工作台(Cooking Station)、货架和手提箱,货架上有很多狗罐头(Canned dog food);床垫上有个名叫伊凡·欧杜(Evan O'Dood)的男性死尸,死尸边有个名叫凯特(Kate)、凯尔(Kyle)的攻击犬(Attack dog)和名叫艾莉莎(Alissa)的野生混种狗(Mongrel),...
走廊左手边(西边)第一个房间是餐厅和厨房,里面有变种蕨花(Mutated Fern Flower)、美味魔鬼蛋(Yum Yum Deviled Eggs)、俏男孩夹心蛋糕(Fancy Lads Snack Cakes)、狗罐头(Canned dog food)等可以搜集。往前走廊不通,往右手边(东边)进入第二个房间,往北穿过墙壁破洞,就进入隔壁房间,出该房间往北走,就来到东西走向...
Many food and drink items found in the Commonwealth are slightly irradiated and can give the player radiation poisoning. This can be prevented by leveling the Lead Belly perk. Some food items can be planted in player settlements to increase the settlemen
Canned dog food Mystery Jerky Dirty Water Raw meat EggsFoods that are safe to eat include (besides Wasteland Gourmet crafted): Purified water Soda Alcohol Preserved Prewar foods Wild Plants and Crops Desserts and snacks Added on 21 November 2018 5:43PM Edited on 26 December 2021 12:14AM ...
InFallout 4, plastic containers and products are more common, with examples being bottles for automotive products such as coolant and antifreeze, as well as some household products such as bread boxes and dog food bowls. In spite of this, plastics are still far less common inFallout 4than in...
InFallout 4, plastic containers and products are more common, with examples being bottles for automotive products such as coolant and antifreeze, as well as some household products such as bread boxes and dog food bowls. In spite of this, plastics are still far less common inFallout 4than in...
在普利拉多格食品厂(Prilladog Food Factory)里面,工厂老板是哈文·奎尼(Harvin Quinney),工头是艾伦·卡罗威(Allen Calloway),前台文员是莎萝(Charo),还有工厂守卫杰夫(Jeff)、邦哈特、女守卫藏红花(Saffron)、医生(Doc),工人有女孩利蒂希娅(Letitia)、"教皇夫人"凯特(Pope Lady Kat)、卡尔(Cal)、科尼利厄斯(Cornelius...
1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#...
Save the dog from the stray mutant beasts, speak to the security guard by the dog food plant, and you get your dog companion. Crashes Fallout 4 being downported back to the pre next gen update has sent the game into an unstable mess. So, you may need to get some mods to stop the...