凱薩的軍團是個具獨裁、傳統主義、帝國主義色彩的奴隸社會,且為極權專政。 2247年,由愛德華‧薩洛 (以凱薩聞名) 與約書亞‧葛拉漢姆建立。軍團的士兵有著組織良好且帶古羅馬風格的作戰方式,主要征戰於過去被稱為亞利桑那州的科羅拉多河及大峽谷地帶,甚至開始推向西
Locations Vault 33 Vault 4 Filly Shady Sands Los Angeles Factions Vault-Tec Brotherhood of Steel Enclave New California Republic Setting Timeline Sino-American War Great War United States Vault Power armor Cold fusion Fallout games Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics ...
[4] Still, it found success in many of the finer lounges and restaurants across the nation.[5] It can be found after the war in locations such as the Nuka-World theme park near Boston, or at the Appalachian Whitespring Resort.
Locations Vault 33 Vault 4 Filly Shady Sands Los Angeles Factions Vault-Tec Brotherhood of Steel Enclave New California Republic Setting Timeline Sino-American War Great War United States Vault Power armor Cold fusion Fallout games Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics ...
These characters by default are friendly towards you and you can trade with them or listen to their relation of the journey (it can guide you to new locations in the game world). Alternatively, you can try stealing from them or killing them. In case of a worse developed character ...
97.Flying alongside that monster are smaller Vertibirds, which also bear a strong resemblance to the Fallout 4 designs. Locations 98.While most of the show visits locations that haven’t previously been seen in the games, a major storylines takes us to what remains of Shady Sands. This town...
Falloutincludes a handful of specific game locations. This image is from the "Fallout" series, but it very well could be from a game. Credit: Prime Video TheFalloutTV series covers a lot of ground within the so-called New California Republic (NCR), a post-apocalyptic land featured ...
Bobblehead Locations Guide - Maps to Help Find All 20 All 20 of Fallout 4's SPECIAL and Skill Bobbleheads listed, with maps to help you find the building in which they are located. Descriptions will help you to avoid wandering buildings trying to get them. I've also provided quick navig...
Map of The Forest Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. A small-town, agricultural-...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 4) 在联邦,掠夺者的组织能力比以前更强。掠夺者现在技术更先进了,可以使用机关枪炮塔和自动聚光灯——一些掠夺者的首领甚至重新使用了动力装甲。但是,联邦的掠夺者没有一个集中的组织,而是分成几个团体。从终端和对话中可以看出,这些群体有的相互对抗,有的互不干涉。例如,Red Tourette的团队...