快速移动到邦克山(Bunker Hill),向黛柏回报,黛柏会支付酬金,并会称赞玩家能力非凡,推荐玩家找凯斯勒(Kessler),说凯斯勒有些麻烦,需要玩家帮忙;此时,“其他任务”栏中即显示“与凯斯勒交谈”。 七、预科学校(Prep School) 邦克山(Bunker Hill)聚居地(Settlement)的领导人是凯斯勒(Kessler),从凯斯勒的终端机里,可...
快速移动到邦克山(Bunker Hill),向黛柏回报,黛柏会支付酬金,并会称赞玩家能力非凡,推荐玩家找凯斯勒(Kessler),说凯斯勒有些麻烦,需要玩家帮忙;此时,“其他任务”栏中即显示“与凯斯勒交谈”。 七、预科学校(Prep School) 邦克山(Bunker Hill)聚居地(Settlement)的领导人是凯斯勒(Kessler),从凯斯勒的终端机里,可...
Additionally cells will still only load as if you were normal size, and moving through un-spawned cells can crash the game. It is suggested to use the no-clip command tcl to prevent falling. getScale –Prints out the scale of the item in the console. getPos <axis> –Prints out the ...
Sanctuary is a side quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. 在自由钟声响起期间返回庇护山丘时,普雷斯敦·加维将建议独自幸存者与司特吉谈论改善定居点。司特吉将委托幸存者制作五张床。可以使用工作坊在庇护山丘的任何地方制作床。…
Fallout 4 地圖 世界地圖 紅火箭維修站(英文名:Red Rocket truck stop)是2287年聯邦的一個地點兼可能的聚落。 目次 1 背景 2 布局 3 值得注意的物品 4 注釋 5 登場 6 錯誤 7 參考 背景[] 這裡曾經是康科德的核能冷卻液補給點和服務站。在大戰之前,這裡的員工們在班森先生領導下,被紅火箭波士頓區辦公室授...
根据任务指标,前往圣詹姆斯宫(St James's Palace)北边的撞车地点(Crash Site),入口处站着戴着眼镜的奥尔登·肖克罗斯(Alden Shawcross),他属于绅士(Gentry)派的,与他交谈可接取该派系的支线任务;来到车毁深坑前,与汤米守卫(Tommy Guard)交谈,问是不是斯麦瑟女士(Mrs. Smythe)干的,汤米守卫(Tommy Guard)声称不...
bunker, which is built into a hill, located south of Oberland Station, just east of the railroad tracks, and southwest of the alien crash site. Head there and talk to Chuck Finley. Once you discover the B.O.G. Bunker, you can fast travel to and from the interior.For immersion and ...
Go to this link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1112 and then scroll down to this section: Fusion City Rising, Outcasts & Remnants, Depravity, and Project Valkyrie: Which order should I play them? maflynn said: Generally speaking, I don't use power armor at all. Me nei...
option) it will cause your saves to crash if you try and remove it. The solution is to use the console to remove the perk. The console codes you need to put in are:-StopQuest xx000EBE player.removeperk xx0038D5xx is your loadorder viewable in fomm this is in MY Utility World ESM...
Prior to this event, there will be nothing at this location, but after the crash there will be the remains of an alien ship, some underground tunnels, and the pilot who is not quite dead and certainly not happy to meet you. The Fallout series is no stranger to close encounters: an ...