于是,杰克(Jack)令爱德华·狄根到邦克山(Bunker Hill)、芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)等地寻找雇佣能手来夺回血清(玩家甚至在钻石城(Diamond City)的冷板凳旅馆也会碰到爱德华·狄根,这可能是游戏的bug,因为钻石城(Diamond City)是不允许尸鬼进入的)。玩家遇到爱德华·狄根(Edward Deegan),会被其邀请协助夺回血清,触发该支线...
Even if hidden, everyone in Bunker Hill will become hostile if any item is stolen. This bug applies to all possible settlements that have not yet been unlocked. Once a settlement is unlocked, owned items can be stolen without angering the settlement, and unowned items can be picked up withou...
4 银衣怪客(任务) 5 迪耿可能会在完成后卡在行走模式,导致他经常在探索时落在后面。 Another possible fix (only tested on PS4) is to draw your weapon to cause him to draw his and start running. 在火箭赤光任务中,迪耿可能会在离开飞鸟时面朝下卡在地面上。解散狄肯能解决这个bug。当你在指派他去...
4 银衣怪客(任务) 5 迪耿可能会在完成后卡在行走模式,导致他经常在探索时落在后面。 Another possible fix (only tested on PS4) is to draw your weapon to cause him to draw his and start running. 在火箭赤光任务中,迪耿可能会在离开飞鸟时面朝下卡在地面上。解散狄肯能解决这个bug。当你在指派他去...
12月12日,靠着韦恩(Wayne)的帮忙,社区围墙大功告成了(两人终端机上的日志时间有点对不上,韦恩(Wayne)应该在次年1月份才第一次离开地堡,围墙应该是在次年4月才最终竣工),兰斯(Lance)为自己之前嘲笑韦恩(Wayne)准备地堡(Bunker)而羞愧,还惊叹于韦恩(Wayne)把清水引到地堡的技术。 2078年1月28日,已经三个月了...
信号源都是地堡(Bunker)里的一个业余无线电(Hamradio),可以关闭,关闭之后信号就消失。但目前有bug存在,就是关了之后信号可能也不消失。 大部分地堡(Bunker)里面都有带锁的箱子或者保险柜,强烈建议你点高了开锁perk再去,或者带一个能开锁的队友。所有地堡(Bunker)里的东西都是会刷新的,就是说大概过游戏一周时间...
本攻略由隐子草(Yinzicao)20145独家撰写游戏里还有一些有固定住所的商人(Trader),这些商人(Trader)都是孤身一身居住在自己的住处,不像邦克山(Bunker Hill)的商人(Trader)在联邦到处旅行;而且这些商人(Trader)的住处在哔哔小子的地图中没有标注,无法快速旅行至身旁,因此,这里做一些介绍;这些商人(Trader)共有11个。对...
Battle of Bunker Hill: A battle between the Institute, BoS, and Railroad where no one usually shoots at you and your choices don't ultimately matter.Mankind Redefined: Attending a board meeting where all of a sudden you're going to be leader of the Institute. ???Mass Fusion: Retrieving ...
After some bug removal, I placed the fourth settlement at Taffington Boathouse.Finally, I went to Bunker Hill and placed my fifth settlement.1. Coastal Cottage; Should load into slot 192. Kingsport Lighthouse; Should load into slot 31
(Pox Bulb)、四叶草(Clover)等;采摘荨麻(Nettle)、辐射荨麻(Rad-Nettle)可获得荨麻叶(Nettle Leaves),二者都可以做荨麻茶,但是辐射荨麻(Rad-Nettle)的叶子提供的生命值远比荨麻(Nettle)高,可达45;采摘虫草(Bug Plant)可获得虫果(Bug Fruit),采摘尸体卷心菜(Corpse Cabbage)可获得尸体卷心菜果(Corpse Cabbage Fruit...