打死三名掠夺者(Raiders)后,撬开保险箱,就能拿到烹饪配方“思乐肯爆提神甜甜圈(Slocum’s BuzzBites)配方”,随即也在玩家的烹饪工作台(Cooking Station)解锁了制作思乐肯爆提神甜甜圈(Slocum’s BuzzBites)的功能;撬开办公桌的抽屉(新手级),还能搜刮出4个思乐肯爆提神甜甜圈(Slocum’s BuzzBites)和《致思乐肯咖啡通知》...
Category:Fallout 4 access cards Airport employee ID card B Beryllium agitator Category:Fallout 4 bobbleheads Bobby pin (Fallout 4) Bobby pin box Book return token Bottlecap (Fallout 4) Burnt book (Fallout 4) Burnt comic (Fallout 4) Burnt magazine (Fallout 4) Burnt textbook ...
Locksmithis aPerceptionperkinFallout 4. It replaces theLockpickskill fromFallout 3andFallout: New Vegas Taking ranks of this perk grants the ability to pick locks of upward-advancing difficulty. Higher ranks render any and allbobby pinsin your inventory unbreakable. While ranks 1-3 are required t...
Bobby Pin:0000000A Fallout 4 PC weapon codes Here are all of the weapon codes for every single weapon type in Fallout 4. These are the codes you need to summon them when entering weapon IDs in the console commands: 0.44:00148B45 0.44 Pistol: 000CE97D 10mm:00004822 2076 World Series Bas...
A bobby pin A bottle of turpentine A leather belt A baseball Some scrap metal A pack of cigarettes A coffee mug A fork A metal spoon A hammer A butter knife A whet stone A wrench Some scrap electronics A roll of duct tape An egg timer One of these: A stick of dynamite. Appears ...
罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)也是埃迪·温特(Eddie Winter)的手下,绰号鲍比(Bobby),其与其继姐姐通奸,但睡梦中说梦话,将同伙科林·奥马利(Colin O'Malley)暗杀三人并投尸阿灵顿格林(Arlington Greens)的事无意说出,其继姐姐听到后遭暗杀灭口。 战后,昆西警察局紧挨昆西废墟(Quincy Ruins),位于昆西废墟(Quincy Ruins...
Editor ID VDialogueVault21 Form ID 001290C2 When enteringin the southernmost section ofacross from the, the first room will be the gift shop run by, owner of the Vault 21 Hotel. Along with asking about the gift shop's selection of merchandise (starting), one can also ask about the histo...
Fix debug bobby pin health display being incorrect when opening the lockpick menu.Fix bug where recipe menu component counts could become negative.Fix the [GamePlay] bHealthBarShowing setting so it also affects the NPC under the crosshair (the setting is named poorly, set it to =1 to hide ...
F4: Easy Lockpick - toggle this on and when you find a locked safe, or many other things that require you to do the bobbypin mini game or possibly have a key, you can actually unlock it by just using the normal keypress. You may have to attempt to open twice for it to work. No...
Display file with all objects and their ID Form codes (unique for each save)save fred 1 Set game speedset timescale to[number] View endingexit vats Save with a custom save namesave[filename] Load saved gameload[filename] Immediately quit gameQQQ ...