Bobby pin 1 0 - * * 0000000A Bonesaw 5 2 2.5 * * 000250A3 Bottle cap 1 0 - * Bottlecap mine 0000000F Box of detergent 1 1 1 * * 0003406F Brahmin skull 1 2 0.5 * * 0003405E Brotherhood of Steel holotag 1 0 - Collecting Holotags * 0001EDC5 Butter knife (cafeteria...
Category:Fallout 4 access cards Airport employee ID card B Beryllium agitator Category:Fallout 4 bobbleheads Bobby pin (Fallout 4) Bobby pin box Book return token Bottlecap (Fallout 4) Burnt book (Fallout 4) Burnt comic (Fallout 4) Burnt magazine (Fallout 4) Burnt textbook ...
A bobby pin, with a 25% check and a 15% check for another bobby pin each. A 75% check for one of these: A bobby pin, with a 25% check and a 15% check for another bobby pin each. One of these: A packet of RadAway. Appears 15% of the time. A bottle of Rad-X. Appears...
Editor ID VDialogueVault21 Form ID 001290C2 When enteringin the southernmost section ofacross from the, the first room will be the gift shop run by, owner of the Vault 21 Hotel. Along with asking about the gift shop's selection of merchandise (starting), one can also ask about the histo...
的罪行,给摩顿市警察局(Malden Police Station)的苏兹贝克警官(Sgt. Sulzbach)寄去了一张检举他人罪行的全息卡带《艾迪·温特全息卡带2》,检举蒙特拉诺夫人(Mrs. Montrano)为骗取人寿保险支票,雇佣他的手下罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)去暗杀其丈夫老约翰尼(Johnny Senior),罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)绰号鲍比(Bobby)...
Fallout 3 World Map Cheat Codes While playing the game, press~to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: ResultCheat Code God mode, infinite ammo, and infinite weight capacitytgm ...
Fix debug bobby pin health display being incorrect when opening the lockpick menu.Fix bug where recipe menu component counts could become negative.Fix the [GamePlay] bHealthBarShowing setting so it also affects the NPC under the crosshair (the setting is named poorly, set it to =1 to hide ...
Bobby Pin:0000000A Fallout 4 PC weapon codes Here are all of the weapon codes for every single weapon type in Fallout 4. These are the codes you need to summon them when entering weapon IDs in the console commands: 0.44:00148B45
F4: Easy Lockpick - toggle this on and when you find a locked safe, or many other things that require you to do the bobbypin mini game or possibly have a key, you can actually unlock it by just using the normal keypress. You may have to attempt to open twice for it to work. No...
《埃迪·温特全息卡带3》:“给罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)的信:鲍比(Bobby),我们讨论过这个。你和你的继姐姐勾搭是你自己的事,但你在睡梦中说话。听着,也许你在唠叨棒球,或者唱表演曲,或者你可以聊聊科林·奥马利(Colin O'Malley)扔在阿灵顿格林(Arlington Greens)的沙坑里的那三具尸体。你想冒这个险吗?我知...