To get over that last difficulty hump at the end of the game, the T-60 Power Armor is here to save the day. You need to be between levels 18 and 27 for this one, and it has the stats to make it worth the grind. We’re talking about 980 damage resistance, 645 energy resistance,...
The one in the bus, as well as one or both of the ghouls in the car park, will usually be legendary, even on Normal difficulty. Do not kill the one under the car while it is under the car, or it can become impossible to loot the corpse. Clear the area and leave for the three...
Not a very good followup for the franchise, but still a serviceable game. That's the best way to put Fallout 4 in a short summary, and diving deep into its issues while in-game will just make you slowly lose your sanity. First of all, the story for the game is absurdly bad, at ...
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If you're finding "Novice" difficulty to still be too hard, feel free to send me a message, and I'll try making adjustments to this difficulty mode.It should also be said again, that you can play Horizon on any Fallout 4 difficulty. You do NOT need Survival Mode. Casual players can...
This guide is an overview of how to make a strong build in Fallout 4 for high-difficulty play. It doesn't tell you WHEN to take Perks, but gives you some guidelines to help you choose the best ones to make your character strong....
You’re given additional XP for bringing along a friend, not to mention you are able to take on tougher activities with less difficulty since you’ll be firing twice the bullets. It’s also especially nice to have company since many of the quests are so light on dialogue, and interactions...
I have spoken with 4estGimp about items specific to dogs/dogmeat because it can cause problems for other canine based-mods as well. I have an early build for this mods next major update but difficulty with the Decals and trying to redo the attach points on the model keeps delaying my ...
The higher the difficulty setting, the greater your chance of finding Legendary items. Use the Pip-Boy to tune into different radio stations. If you close the Pip-Boy while the radio is on, it will continue playing until you go back into the Pip-Boy and turn it off. Use a Chemistry ...
Fallout New vegas is the best game out of the trilogy (fallout 4 and 76 don’t exist) and it feels the most open a fallout game can be without game breaking bugs ruining the experience Did you find this review helpful? Report I Recommend This Gem As Its A Masterpiece in Gameplay And...