I don't know if my thrown explosives made them more willing to throw theirs or if it was because I was on Very Hard difficulty but I found their seemingly irregular bout of throwing explosives strange in comparison to other enemies. fallout-4 Share Improve this quest...
and can sometimes be found fightingdeathclawsorsentry bots. InFallout 4, their main territory is the Commonwealth where they are rare to find (occurrence increases slightly with higher difficulty - (Very hard orSurvival mode). They have similar strength and abilities to those seen in the Capital...
fDiffMultLegendaryChance_<difficulty string> –You can temporarily increase the chance of legendary enemies through the console, which does not affect the difficulty. fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VE –Very Easy fDiffMultLegendaryChance_E –Easy fDiffMultLegendaryChance_N –Normal fDiffMultLegendaryChance...
There is no fast travel and the player is subjected to hunger, thirst and exhaustion. Companions require healing in order to get back up. There are also many other aspects which increase difficulty not listed here. Mod supportFallout 4 is the first Fallout game to have native mod support ...
If you're finding "Novice" difficulty to still be too hard, feel free to send me a message, and I'll try making adjustments to this difficulty mode.It should also be said again, that you can play Horizon on any Fallout 4 difficulty. You do NOT need Survival Mode. Casual players can...
It can also be found by picking the lock on the upstairs desk (hard difficulty), although this method may cause it to be considered a quest item, making it impossible to remove from inventory without console commands. The repellent effect will not register after an instant kill of a mole ...
I have spoken with 4estGimp about items specific to dogs/dogmeat because it can cause problems for other canine based-mods as well. I have an early build for this mods next major update but difficulty with the Decals and trying to redo the attach points on the model keeps delaying my ...
This guide is an overview of how to make a strong build in Fallout 4 for high-difficulty play. It doesn't tell you WHEN to take Perks, but gives you some guidelines to help you choose the best ones to make your character strong....
No matter what side of the fence you are on, here are some recommendations and tips to navigate Fallout London’s difficulty. Fallout London meant to be challenging. Unlike how Fallout 4 plays, you are limited from the get-go, whether that’s access to Settlements, weapons, and armor. It...
The remains of the old REPCONN (Rocket Engineering Production Company of Nevada) test plant, along with its landmark rocket launch dome, have sat idle over the years, and are now home to Feral Ghouls who come to terrorize the inhabitants of nearby Novac [5.18]. However, within the facility...