左导轨附件插槽 备用左导轨附件插槽(仅在选定的枪管选项上) 备用右导轨附件插槽(仅在特定枪管选项上) 删除了两脚架选项 兼容性: 兼容Tactical Reload、FTS 和 Side Aim Framework 补丁 使用说明 1. 下载安装 GMM 管理器 2. 将Mod导入管理器中并启用 3. 从管理器启动游戏即可 攻略...
Ideally you want to aim for real cooked meals. If you lack the skills to hunt and cook your own food, you can always try buying some, or relying on what you find from exploring.Because healing and radiation are more difficulty now, I also remove some needless annoyances such as chems/...
Adds Side Aim support to the MW2023 BAS-B (SIG MCX Spear), complete with custom canted and fire selector animations.
1.8.3 Suppressed Auto Exploit 1.8.4 V.A.T.S. Auto-aim Without Using AP 1.8.5 V.A.T.S. Slow-time Situational Recon 2 Menu, HUD, Inventory, and Radio-related exploits 2.1 Steal Without Getting Caught 2.2 Build Mods Without Having the Perk or Materials for it 2.3 Duplicate Weapons 2.4...
It's essentially auto aim, but the chance to hit fluctuates wildly as you and your opponent move, to the point where you're better off just aiming manually. It's a borderline broken mechanic, and you wonder how it ever got through testing, but then this whole game got through testing,...
Fire mode (currently only semi-auto/full-auto) can be set through workbench, I will try studying in script (or with some help) and aim to make it changeable any time any where. As well as the COMBO sights, flip them in or out by choice. ...
Auto Aim Tweaks– Removes buggy auto aim (that tries to force your aim at the torso) and increases the max distance that you can shoot enemies from (changed from 1800 to 9999). Its a Dogs World – Dog Texture Overhaul– High resolution dog textures! Be sure to get the “DogsWorldTextur...
One 10mm auto pistol arm, one buzz-saw arm attachment, and one laser emitter arm attachment Mister Gutsy plating Recon sensors mod 10 capsMister Handy“You’re one of the domestic models of Mister Handy robots, a robotic butler programmed to assist in maintaining a household. Your line was ...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
Antidote/Antivenom 15 Denarius, 35 Caps, 40 NCR Dollars. Antivenom is a classic example of what tribals can do with a handful of plants. Cures most animal poisons, from bark-scorpion stings to full-blown cazador blood toxin. 4 Denarius, 55 caps, 30 NCR