然而,这使得辐射3增加了更多的重玩性并奠定了"Wanderers Edition"的基调。整合的Mod与贡献者...
FWE - this huge overhaul turns Fallout 3 into a survivalist nightmare. Adds starvation, thirst, the need to sleep, ammunition has weight, etc. This mod basically consist of a bunch of mods put together. The aim of the mod is to improving the challenge, sense of immersion, depth of ...
mod's all working together, with all the Homes, Guns, Storage, Sorters, WorkShops, Robots, Followers, Worldspace, Interiors and general must haves for Fallout 3.Now with this on a new game (it will need GOTY) you can add more MOD'S ...
1) Unzip the mod to your Fallout 3/Data directory.2) Use FOMM to select the following files to load (you *MUST* select both):[+] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm... (other mods)...[+] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp3) Optionally, also select your choice of plugins:[+] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm....
Is Fallout 3 too easy for you? Well you’ve come to the right place. ThisCombat Overhaul mod, which is an add-on for the Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition mod, introduces tons of combat changes which aim to make the game way more hardcore. There’s nothing more hardcore in a first-perso...
Just aim it at the bad guys, and do the ole' "spray and pray." Now, as for the armor... It's outta juice. Probably has been for a hundred years. It can be powered up again, but we're a bit stuck..."(Preston Garvey and Sturges' dialogue) ↑ Pioneer Scout Badge Exam ...
避難所科技輔助瞄準系統(英文名:Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System,简写V.A.T.S.),是 Fallout 3、Fallout: 新維加斯、Fallout 4和Fallout 76中的遊戲特色,靈感來自Fallout與Fallout 2的回合制戰鬥中射擊特定部位的能力。也能提供類似時間暫停或子彈時間的視覺動態
4.打开"Fallout4Custom.ini"添加一下文本:[Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 5...
左导轨附件插槽 备用左导轨附件插槽(仅在选定的枪管选项上) 备用右导轨附件插槽(仅在特定枪管选项上) 删除了两脚架选项 兼容性: 兼容Tactical Reload、FTS 和 Side Aim Framework 补丁 使用说明 1. 下载安装 GMM 管理器 2. 将Mod导入管理器中并启用 3. 从管理器启动游戏即可 攻略...
Unfortunately, it has become near impossible to aim. Holds 2 rounds of 12-gauge ammunition. Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs Val: 800 Dmg: +11 Rng: 7 AP S: 5 T:N/A B: N/A Rifle-Grip9mm Assault RifleThe magazine holds 30 shots of 9mm ammunition. Min. ST: 4 W:5 Lbs. Val:1500$ Dmg...