the character does no longer turn around. I've tried to set "Capture mouse in fullscreen" and also to set a virtual desktop with winecfg, but both to no avail. Setting the virtual desktop caused new problems, but this is what used to fix the problem for me when using WINE - without...
Closing the PipBoy straight from the Item Mod Menu no longer unequips your weapon if it was equipped.Ammo count and type are no longer reset when loading a save.Fix exploit where PipBoy Repair items could be duplicated by rapidly opening/closing the menu....
Fixes for many textures and meshes, including animation and audio files. Should be obvious what each mod is trying to fix.Installation: Download and install with your mod manager. You can also merge these mods since they have empty plugins.Load Order: Should be loaded after after all other ...
If you really, really enjoyed the gameplay loop of Fallout 4 and want to share it with friends, you might just find nuggets of fun scattered throughout, but even then, you're better off waiting to see whether Bethesda can fix the game's unforgivable technical performance. Fallout 76 is a...
Players can add their friends via the Social menu; however, there is a well-known glitch where it may say the player can not be added. To get around this, trying to repeatedly add the player's name in lowercase is known to fix this. ...
Mods - patch version numbers and notes added to Mod Details page Bug Fixes General stability fixes related to enabling and disabling Mods Minor fixes to functionality Fallout 4 1.10.26 Update Bug Fixes Fix for Load Order resorting improperly after downloading a Creation ...
Power Armor Frame Material Fix ( - Uninstall via mod manager. Third Person Revolver Audio Fix ( - Third Person Revolver Audio Fix.esp Remove Rads in Survival Fix (Mutant Hound Chops etc) (https...
Click the compatibility tab and check “Disable Visual Themes” Even after the patch, many people report that using the d3d9 fix still helped improve game performance. To get this fix, download the appropriate file here, and put it in your fallout game directory. Turn off v-sync...
Crippled limbs require a Doctor's Bag (or similar custom item such as Hydra), or a visit to a doctor to properly fix; Stimpacks, sleep or food will not fix them. You cannot fast travel distances during which your character would die of dehydration, starvation or lack of sleep. ...
Crippled limbs require a Doctor's Bag (or similar custom item such as Hydra), or a visit to a doctor to properly fix; Stimpacks, sleep or food will not fix them. You cannot fast travel distances during which your character would die of dehydration, starvation or lack of sleep. ...