That’s it for the post on how to fix the Fallout 4 no sound on PC problem. If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to share them with us by leaving a comment below.
Patches PEACEKEEPER mod to play audio correctly. NPCs will no longer fire the gun a mile away, and it will sound like it's right next to your ear, now it actually plays the sound far away like intende
I also had some success fixing sound dropping out by setting PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60. I've not found a fix for the mouse issue outside of running the game in a virtual desktop. 196 hidden items Load more… Neirth commented Dec 1, 2021 • edited Greetings, I have tried to run Fal...
sEssentialFileCacheList=Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsasUnessentialFileCacheList=Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - ...
Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP) | The next greatest thing since Boston FPS Fix, FO4FI Fix and sliced bread.This mod improves upon the game's precombine system and already includes a couple of existing fixes inside it, such as:Collision Fixes from Scrap Everything | Airport Transparency Fix ...
You can fix this by leaving the game and coming back.[verified] Rarely, the weapon models can become small.[verified] Sometimes, when you fire until you have no ammo left, the gun will still shake like it is shooting. It won't make a sound or inflict any damage.[verified]...
iMaxScreens 4 4 Unknown. iNumLocationSpecificScreens 1 1 Determines the number of consecutive background images if a location specific image exists. SInitialSound fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav Name of the file used to pl...
for f in goris_fast_derobing_low_fps.dat walk_speed_fix_low_fps.dat; do wget -nv "$(curl -s $api_url | grep browser_download_url | grep $f | awk -F '"' '{print $4}')" # extra steps for easier debug url0=$(curl "$api_url") echo "$url0" url="$(echo "$url0"...
自由至尊 (英文:Liberty Prime ,被再次重造后称作自由至尊MKII[1]) 是独一无二的美軍机器人。它高40英尺(12.19米),全副武装,加上强大的激光眼武器和战术核弹,使它成为主要的作战资产。 自由至尊会被钢铁兄弟会发现并投入工作。它的完全修复归功于李·麦蒂森博士的协助
When I test my audio on Playback devices, the bars turn green but still no sound. Also, when I test my audio in Playback devices, it says there's sound... audio is NOT working in Windows 10 Gaming audio is NOT working: audio is NOT working