This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc. GetStage <QuestID> –Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, ...
Aluminum is a crafting component in Fallout 4. A strong yet light metal, aluminum is used for crafting various settlement devices and electronics, as well as modifications for weapons, armor, power armor and robots. * Nothing is gained if one does not ha
Fallout 4 Cheats and commands codes: These are the cheat codes what you can use while playing one of the most prominent games of this era Fallout 4. This is one of the most loved games, and you can get the taste doubles by using these console commands. General commands: tgm– to get ...
Doing this obviously benefits the player in a multitude of ways: they can use this to farm an infinite amount of a rare/valuable crafting material (such as aluminum, copper, or adhesive) collect an infinite amount of caps from vendors simply by selling the farmed materials, or farming a ...
Aluminumx10 Screwx6 Springx8001916A4 Locations[] Rewarded byIronsidesduring the questLast Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution. Siding with the scavengers instead makes this weapon unobtainable. Notes[] The Broadsider is a powerful weapon, only surpassed by a fully upgradedGauss rifle, a missile ...
The console commandSet LegendaryRailwayRifle to 0will enable them to be looted if one cannot, or does not wish to, complete this quest. Thestandard receiverfor the railway rifle is mislabelled as theautomatic piston receiverin the console. ...
↑Ten things we've learned about Fallout 4 - Tech Radar (dead link) 展开 v·d·e Weapons inFallout 4 热门页面 辐射:新維加斯 同伴 Fallout 4地圖 Fallout 4地点 辐射4 Portal:Fallout 4
One of the following weapons: machete, aluminum baseball bat, or a syringer with 10 shots of Bleed-Out One roll on the Oddities and Valuables loot table (Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Chapter 5: Survival, p.207–208) or 1 robot repair kitRobobrain...
Aluminum is a crafting component in Fallout 4. A strong yet light metal, aluminum is used for crafting various settlement devices and electronics, as well as modifications for weapons, armor, power armor and robots. * Nothing is gained if one does not ha
Another method, albeit slower, is for the player to acquire specific items and find a Chem Workshop, where the player can, for example, craft Buffjet by pressing ⨯ and ◯ on PS4 (A+B on XB1) at the same time. If done correctly, the Crafting confirmation screen will appear, howev...