The console is a debugging tool in the computer versions of Fallout 4. It is useful for altering content while in-game, but may be used to cheat as well. It cannot be accessed in the console versions of the game or in Survival mode. In order to access th
Fallout 4 Cheats and commands codes: These are the cheat codes what you can use while playing one of the most prominent games of this era Fallout 4. This is one of the most loved games, and you can get the taste doubles by using these console commands. General commands: tgm– to get ...
This version of the Broadsider launches gigantic nukes, and uses a custom ammunition type called "Nuke," which can be added with the console commandplayer.additem 65df3. However, being a cut weapon, it does not actually consume the "Nuke" ammo, making it a weapon with infinite ammo. ...
Changing Building Limit Without ConsoleDrop weapons from inventory Enter building mode "Store" those dropped weapons to workbench from building mode (PC default TAB/XB1 B/PS4 ◯). Scrapping the weapon will also work in reducing the size if done from building mode. Gamma guns are particularly ...
Completion of the quest "Underground Undercover" will add legendary variants of the railway rifle as loot on legendary enemies. The console commandSet LegendaryRailwayRifle to 0will enable them to be looted if one cannot, or does not wish to, complete this quest. ...
Keep in mind this can only be done by PC users. On your keyboard press the ~ button or whatever corresponds to it and this will bring up the console commands. Type in caqs and then enter and this will (in theory) complete all quest objectives and achieve