模组名称:Fallout 3 TTW Interior Optimization Project模组作者:detra模组原址:N网代码85909模组大致内容:优化了 200 多个具有空间边界和遮挡平面的内部单元,以提高首都废土的性能。可以在游戏中途加入。这个mod和ExRB - Extended Roombounds不冲突,那个是优化nv的室内性能,这个是优化ttw的辐射3室内性能,可以搭配使用前置...
Tested and working on TTW 3.3.2 + 3.3.2a + 3.3.3 + 3.3.3a (latest). This is the standalone version of a component in my other larger mod that can be found here - Barry's Tweaks and Changes Fallout 3 Unique Sniper RiflesBy adjusting the Fallout 3 Unique Sniper Rifles and allowing...
1 首先安装好Fallout3年度版并确定能运行;2 其次安装好FalloutNV并确定能正常运行;3 下载TTW并解压到任意文件夹内,随后运行“Tale Of Two Wastelands Installer”这个执行文件,该文件运行之后会自动识别Fallout3 和FalloutNV的安装位置,随后你必须指定要讲TTW生成的文件装到哪个文件夹内,选好之后,点击Install;4...
Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW) Tag this mod Description Files 1 Images 1 Videos 0 Posts 45 Bugs 0 Logs Stats About this mod A port of ATMOS Ambient Sound Overhaul from Fallout 3, adding more than 200 new ambient sound effects. Over 3000 hand placed sound emitters.3D sound ef...
Tauto:Doesn't anyone here know,F3 and FNV can be combined into one game with TTW? How is it possible to go past this mod or not include it? candesco:Probably the same as with morroblivion and skywind. Bethesda doesn't approve that. You may make mods, as long as it doesn't change...
fo3建议直接tb入手年度版key,年度版包含全dlc。如何打汉化补丁:降级补丁+汉化补丁,指路视频:【更新后的辐射3该如何汉化?-哔哩哔哩】https://b23.tv/G1W3sIhBV号:BV1dF411Y7hF 另外有人做过一个可以在新维加斯里玩辐射3的ttw(废土双城记),fo3实在打不上汉化的话可以尝试ttw。
No. of mods9 Success rating69% Buckle your butts for a new and improved experience ready to be submissive to your will! ALL OF FALLOUT 3 AND NEW VEGAS! I aim to keep the vanilla style intact while improving upon the existing experience to a new level of enjoyment. ...
先下载2个游戏的英文版,再安装ttw提取falllout3的文件,再修改ini文件。折腾很久终于可以玩了。但给fnv打了汉化补丁后,武器物品显示是汉字,fallout3的任务依然全是英文。此时再安装fallout3的汉化补丁也没什么影响。 不知道能不能一开始就安装2个中文版游戏,再安装ttw 分享279 辐射3吧 左转成魔 【MOD汉化】辐射3...