尤利西斯 是一名信使,以前是凯撒军团密探。2281年, 他是维克托雇佣[3],向赌城运送包裹的6名邮差之一。不过他本人却神秘失踪了,运送白金筹码的任务,也落到了主角信使的身上。 他是孤独之路的主要反派. 尤利西斯曾是卷发部落的一员。卷发部落是亚利桑那一只强大的部族,部
ALSO YOU MOVE FASTER WITHOUT THE GEAR! Movement in third person to go forward press W to go backward press S to go Up press Space while moving forward to go Down press C NOTE: To go up, press space while moving forward, ...
InFallout Tactics, the hex still appears, though not in a literal sense. Moving costs a number of action points based on the distance, and what stance the person is at. Some characters, like deathclaws, will move faster in CTB than in ITB or STB, as well. ...
A re-animation of human characters for fallout 3. 3KB 10.5k 242.9k 22 Fallout3 WinXP-7-8-10 Multicore Threading 4GB LAA with 4GB FOSE Setup Patches Uploaded: 25 Nov 2015 Last Update: 30 Aug 2023 Author: Carinth01 Allows for smoother gameplay, faster load times, better fps, enhan...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 3) 首都废土的掠夺者大多是充满敌意、无法无天、药物成瘾的恶棍,他们游荡在华盛顿特区的荒野上。除了莫哈韦废土的恶魔帮外,他们与西海岸的掠夺部落几乎没有共同之处。遭遇他们都是些较小的团队,并配备有种类繁多的武器。 偶尔也会发现它们与护卫犬一起狩猎。 所有掠夺者都穿着某种形式的掠...
3 Location 4 Behind the scenesCharacteristicsCompared to the standard straight razor, Figaro boasts superior damage per strike and critical hit damage, having a faster attack speed and double the critical chance. Visually, the weapon features a slightly tarnished metal handle with a polished silver...
The poison damage effects of the dart do stack; more darts in the target at once will cause it to lose health at a faster rate. The dart gun is treated as a silenced weapon, and has 0 spread (perfect accuracy when shot with a Small Guns skill of 100), making it an effective ...
A war club that has been upgraded withhonorsmakes the charge attack faster than running. In fact, simply holding down the melee button makes travel faster. TheSlayerandMelee Hackerperks increase this speed, and when combined withrushing water, the player character will travel at a blinding speed...
Movement is pretty buttery smooth and punches are faster than that. So is the walk cycle. I just find it weird that the actors are "pretending its heavy" when they move, when that's not really how the power armor works. It's a problem with the acting and the directing more than ...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 3) 典型的首都废土掠夺者 首都废土的掠夺者大多是充满敌意、无法无天、药物成瘾的恶棍,他们游荡在华盛顿特区的荒野上。除了莫哈韦废土的恶魔帮外,他们与西海岸的掠夺部落几乎没有共同之处。遭遇他们都是些较小的团队,并配备有种类繁多的武器。 偶尔也会发现它们与护卫犬一起狩猎。 所有掠夺...