Chemist is a perk in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76. This perk doubles the active time for chems. The following items will work with this perk. This perk synergizes well with the Chem Resistant perk, the latter providing a 50% r
Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy: when theChosen Onemanufactures the cure,Dr. Troygives them two vials of the antidote, one of which is passed on toDoc Johnsonin Redding to cure the miners of their jet addiction. The Chosen is free to keep the second vial for themselves. ...
In the Commonwealth, there are various doctors who can restore HP, purge radiation, cure addiction, and in many cases also sell medical supplies. In Survival mode, doctors can also cure diseases and heal crippled limbs whenever they heal the Sole Survivo
↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 All doctors in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4 can cure Jet addiction. ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 The Chosen One: "{453}{}{Is there any cure for Jet?}"Renesco: "{490}{}{A CURE for metamphetamine addiction?! Ha! I only know two: one ...
Known for his aggressive behavior and mean Buffout addiction, Grill is a brute of a man, and will gladly butcher any living being that gives him slightly enough reason to do so with his Shishkebab and Hand-Flamer, Smokey. Though reputed as a savage, Grill can perform adequate as a ...
Carries a 50% of addiction, which is permanent without the Jet Antidote. Once addicted, you lose 1 Strength and Perception after 2 days of non-use, with subsequent stat penalties every 2 days for 6 days until 8 days have elapsed, the cure is applied, or the player uses more Jet to ...
Likes and Dislikes– As a mercenary, MacCready approves most of your unlawful behaviors, including lockpicking, theft, use of threatening dialogue, and taking bribes. He hates donations, unprovoked violence, and when Sole Survivor develops an addiction to chem. While he appreciates Sole Survivor ...
Rig, but neither in the Salvatores nor the Mordinos' favor. Without the Enclave's backing, and the technological edge it had given them, the former did not survive for long, while the financial power of the latter suffered a critical blow with the discovery of a cure for Jet addiction....
Apart from clearing out Gunners, you can also use Vault 95 to cure your companion Cait of her Psycho addiction. Nice! Vault 3 (Fallout: New Vegas) Vault 3 was a control Vault, scheduled to open just 20 years after the bombs fell. The residents weren't eager to expose themselves to ...
They can heal all wounds (including crippled limbs), cure radiation damage and cure addiction to chems and alcohol. Most of them also sell medical supplies. Want to change your hairstyle? Visit a barber in one of the major settlements. Tired of the same old look? A reconstructive surgeon ...