不不不 应急响应 请保持冷静 快走 Go,go,go,go,go,go. 辐射 什么鬼东西 避难所科技D计划小心有毒 火种细而碎孩童享温暖 放入木柴堆林肯笑开颜 insideakindling-cabinforoldAbeLincoln. 然后... 大战前 Beforethewar, 人们开玩笑说蟑螂能在核爆♥炸♥丬幸存下来 peoplejokedaboutcockroachessurvivinganuclearbl...
Whereareyoutakinghim? 去真实世界 Totherealworld. 哪天你也该去那里看看 Youshouldseeitsometime. 如果你能带我找到摩尔达弗你就能改变未来 YoucanchangethefutureifyoucanbringmetoMoldaver. 只要带我的头去就够了 Justmyhead. 只有这样你才能把你hearts;爸hearts;爸救出来 ...
Whereareyoufromagain? 我从没去过那儿希望有一天能去 Neverbeentheremyself.Hopetogotheresomedaysoon. 到了我们开始吧好吗 Hereweare.Letsgetonwithit,shallwe? 不能让你的朋友等太久 Wedontwanttokeepyourassociatewaiting. 先生你不能这样做 Sir,youcantdothis. ...
If you (or anybody else) see anything else wrong, don't hesitate to let me know. Or better yet, post it on the boards rather than email me directly, where it may take me a few days to see it. Questions galoreWe've got the usual round of questions this time. Ignore the bumbling ...
High Times is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. The quest is started by traveling to the Old Mormon Fort in the northeast section of Freeside and speaking to Julie Farkas, leader of the New Vegas chapter of the Followers of the Apocalypse; she is recog
but they never stick around in NCR territory for long. They know the land, and move quick. There's talk from time to time about taking out their base at Red Rock Canyon, but nothing ever comes of it. The Great Khans are tough fighters. If we ever did go up against them on their ...
Where to find food, how to deal with radiation, tons o' stuff. Survive, Thrive, and Revive, that's the name of the game. The book is the Wasteland Survival Guide! Pick up your copy today!" - Completing the Wasteland Survival Guide with maximum research. "Those scumbag Slavers way ...
KYOTO FALLOUT: UK to go it alone on global warming ; Bush faces world backlash for refusing to ratify climate treaty, as the town where he began struggles with his legacyGeoffrey Lean Environment Editor
Become the survivor that you want to be. Play as the lone survivor of Vault 111 in a world where your choices will shape it , as you forge alliances or choose to go your own way in the aftermath of a devastating nuclear war. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the waste...
I know what you might be thinking: "SlugGirl, where is the Monthly Roundup?" It's on the way, I promise. The holiday season is well underway in the office at the moment, so it's going to take a few more days to get ready for you all. I wanted to post about this competitio.....