Howard? 我是你的忠实粉丝 I'm a big fan. 欢迎来到 4 号♥避难所 Welcome to Vault 4. 你们要远离 12 层 Stay out of Level 12. 你们的能源是哪里来的 Where do you guys get your power from? 看来你找到了我们的聚变核心 I see you've found our fusion core. 桑德拉 我们回来了 Sandra,...
[Non-game 15] Years later, Vault 15 opened.[Non-game 16][16] While a large portion of the Vault inhabitants that left the overcrowded Vault would band into raider tribes by the winter of 2097[Non-game 17] (marking the beginning of the Khans, Vipers, and Jackals),[Non-game 18] the...
Lucy MacLean is a resident of one such Vault: Vault 33, located in the ruined city of Los Angeles. She has spent her life underground and is currently applying to have a husband from Vault 32 in an arranged marriage. After a tragic event involving a woman named Lee Moldaver, Lucy ...
露西 Lucy! 我们在哪里 Where are we? 我们在世界上最好的地方 We're in the best place in the world. 我们在一个避难所里 We're in a vault. 银河新闻 避难所科技出品... 大家好 Hello there. 没错 是我 库珀霍华德 活跃于舞台和银幕的大明星 Yep, it's me, Cooper Howard, star of stage and...
-Listen, 听着你得快点回家姑娘 youneedtogohome,miss. 避难所居民在这里是濒危物种 Vaultdwellersareanendangeredspecieshere. 避难所是法治社会 Youcomefromaworldofrules,oflaws. 但这里是法外之地 Thisplaceisindifferenttoallofthat. 想在这里生存必须不惜一切你肯定不愿意那么做 Idonotthinkyouwouldbewillingtodo...
Sierra Petrovita: "I'm not here for the market! I didn't travel hundreds of miles to go shopping."Disciples Scavver:: "I don't suppose you came here for a bullet in the brain either, so if you want to live, I suggest you stay where you belong."Sierra Petrovita: "Oh, you ...
so I stayed at our camp. I guess it must have been the beginnings of radiation poisoning.Anyway, it was supposed to be safe, but some raiders happened to pass through where she was scavenging. I won't speak of what they did to her. When I found her body, the only way to recognize...
↑ The Lone Wanderer: "His notes said something about Vault 112. Do you know where it is?"Doctor Li: "No, I don't. I'm sorry. Is this something to do with Dr. Braun? He kept talking about it while he was here. I told him it was a lost cause. The whole project is a lost...
Imfromaplacewheretheworstsomeonecandotoyouis 忘记说谢谢你 forgettosaythankyou. 看来你们过得不错 Soundslikeanicewaytolive. 是啊 Itis. 早上好33号hearts;避难所 Goodmorning,Vault33. 我是贝蒂请大家投我做监管人 ThisisBetty,askingforyourvoteforoverseertoday. ...
However, Lucy's relentless pep takes a sharp nosedive after an attack on Vault 33. Despite the warnings from her fellow Vault Dwellers, she takes it upon herself to go to the surface and make things right. But the world she discovers above ground is unlike anything for which she could ...