Why did the Fall of Constantinople happen in 1453? What role did the Ottoman Empire play in the Fall of Constantinople? What were the consequences of the Fall of Constantinople? How did the fall of Constantinople impact Europe? What were the immediate and long-term effects on the residents of...
The best proof of Byzantium's underlying strength is that Byzantine states survived for more than two and ahalf centuries after the seemingly fatal Fourth Crusade. Strong and unified leadership was certainly not the reason. When the Crusaders stormed Constantinople, the deposed Alexius III Angelus ...
Gallafus Angelos lives on the east side of Constantinople. When he was young, he served as a civil servant under General Questini, so he is quite famous among residents near the hippodrome. Tonight, he gathered his three sons together in his home to discuss the fate of his family. In th...
(Edirne) Constantinople (Istanbul) DANISHMENDS Dyrrhachium Gallipoli BYZANTINE Civetot Nicaea Dorylaeum SELJUKS OF RUM ARMENIAN STATES Marash COUNTY OF EDESSA E(Udrefsas)aGREAT EMPIRE I(cKoonniuyma) Heraclea Tarsus Aleppo (Halab) SELJUK EMPIRE Antioch PRINCIPALITY Tunis Sicily M e d i t e r...
BYZANTINE GLAZED CERAMICS OF THE 13th CENTURY IN THE CRIMEA (short review) Despite political and military upheaval in Byzantium in the 13th century, the most important of which were the conquest of Constantinople and the central territories of the empire by the Latins in 1204, and then the rest...
1204年4月13日,君士坦丁堡在第四次十字军东征中陷落。 君士坦丁堡被武力强行攻占,除了宗教和良知以外,没有任何战争法可以约束征服者的行为。蒙费拉的卜尼法斯侯爵仍旧是全军的主将,希腊人把他尊为未来的统治者,经常可以听到极其悲伤的喊叫:“神圣的侯爵国王,请你可怜我们!”他出于审慎的考量或是同情的心理,为逃命...
Gallafus Angelos lives on the east side of Constantinople. When he was young, he served as a civil servant under General Questini, so he is quite famous among residents near the hippodrome. Tonight, he gathered his three sons together in his home to discuss the fate of his family. ...