Fall of Constantinople, Ottoman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Military of the Ottoman Empire, Janissary, Mehmed II, Constantine XI Palaiologos, Ulubatlı Hasan, Orban.Ruth Tenzer Feldman
WikiMatrix Thefall of Constantinoplein 1453 to the Ottomans was a clear sign to the cautious citizens of Dubrovnik that ample defensive measures were quickly needed, the strengthening of its defensive structures the foremost of the issues.
The Fall of Reach,[7][8] sometimes referred to as the Battle of Reach,[9] the Reach Campaign,[10] and the Defense of Reach,[11] was one of the largest engagements in the Human-Covenant war. It was fought between the UNSCDF and the Covenant from July 24 to August 30, 2552. A ...
WikiMatrix The Fall of Saigon Marines Association, a California non-profit, public-benefit corporation, was formed to honor the last two Marines to be killed in action in Vietnam. 加州還成立了一個非營利公益組織——陸戰隊西貢陷落協會(The Fall of Saigon Marines Association),以表彰這最後兩位陣亡...
Fall of Constantinople Pad Carigrada fall of man Pad čovjeka apple does not fall far from the tree iver ne pada daleko od klade · jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla Niagara Falls Slapovi Niagare 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“fall"翻译成 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 变形 干 Lapkritis...
WikiMatrix Although some parts of the cityof Constantinoplewerefallinginto disrepair, the cathedral was maintained with an amount of money set aside for this purpose. МадасутокомвизантијскеуправенекиделовиградаКонстантинопољ...
WikiMatrix The father, Jacopo, did portraits of the imperial family before the fall of Constantinople.” Il padre, Jacopo, esegui dei ritratti della famiglia imperiale prima della caduta di Costantinopoli. Literature With the fall of Constantinople, in 1453, the Turks blocked the way of the...