目前offer:目前是艺术管理类的是拿到了UCL的博物馆与美术馆教育的offer。 UCL这个专业是有面试的,在面试前各位导师有针对汪同学的情况,群策群力进行各种模拟提问,并对各种突发情况进行预案训练,最终帮助同学收获心仪offer~ ⭕Liu同学 背景:211院校,GPA:...
简历、个人陈述是基础的文书材料,此外,有些国家或地区在申请时会要求同学提供其他文书,如research proposal(研究计划)、writing sample(写作样本)等。 提交网申 一般来说,如果在套磁中获得导师的积极回复甚至是口头offer(录取),那么,尽早完成网申提交也是对学校和导师“表忠心”的体现。 2024年12月 - 2025年4月 ...
CV、PS(Personal Statement, motivation letter等)、雅思成绩单、本科及硕士阶段成绩单和两封推荐信 其他部分学校会要求提供一份1000字左右的English writing sample Transcript+在读证明(国内未毕业学生)/毕业证+学位证(已毕业)等 (二)申请步骤 确定研究方向 确定博士导师及院校 撰写研究计划(Research Proposal,简称RP...
然后拿给学校writing center的nativespeaker教授修改一下,不得不说,教授的水平还是很不错的。
DHU's Chinese language programs were accredited by EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services) for high teaching quality and management, which is the first institution in China. In the coming fall semester of 2024, ICES will c...
UCL的电影研究硕士不需要writing sample。最终X同学申UCL电影研究的PS,核心问题是关注残疾人群体(disabilities)在电影中的表征,以及屏幕外,如何提高残疾观众(disabled spectators)的观影体验。侧重从学生对电影理论和拍片实践的观察来突出其社会关怀。 Olivia老师用到的关键素材,正是本文第一小节提到的,X同学做视障人群田...
Chalk Spot - a street chalk art display for aspiring artists young and old. Children’s Art Alley - a free interactive ‘make and take’ area. Food Truck Row – for those wanted to grab a bit to eat on the go. The local restaurants will offer indoor and patio style dining. There are...
Google is offering about 3 million free books in the public domain as of this writing, and that number would likely increase substantially if and when the litigation is resolved. Both Amazon and Barnes & Noble claim to offer more than 1 million free titles each, more than either of them ...
While Apple has publicly only said that it will add RCS messaging support to iOS later in 2024, a Google announcement appears to pin it down further.
(3)24FALL offer案例: 3.Master of Arts in the field of Art History (1)学制+学费+申请要求: 该专业申请需要提供一份不超过5000字的writing sample,具体要求如下—— Please submit a piece of no more than 5,000 words (including footnotes and bibliography). Ideally, the piece should be in the ...