Harvard University 这是录取过程中禁止考虑种族因素以来的第一个招生周期中,哈佛大学录取了 3.59% 的 2028 届申请者,这是近四年来的最高录取率,算是一个好消息!但对于中国留学生来说,Offer 依旧少之又少,两只手数的清,早申阶段仅...
另外一种是IOE Academic Writing Centre 开设的 Preparation for Academic Studies in Higher Education(PASHE),这个语言班专门针对所有隶属于IOE(Institute of Education)专业的学生。IOE本科、研究生均适用。 如果不确定自己的专业是否隶属于IOE,可以先看offer上的De...
Master of Fine Arts in the field of Creative Writing in English 创意写作 1.Applied Linguistics 应用语言学 MAAL (1)学制+学费+申请要求: (2)官网链接:Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (3)25FALL offer案例: 2.AI, Ethics and Society 人工智能、伦理与社会学 AIES (1)学制+学费+申请要求: (2...
It’s recently come to my attention that several fraudulent websites offering–for a whopping fee–ghostwriting services have me listed as a client. This is bullshit, and it’s infuriating. These sites–and I won’t link to them or name them as that could increase their traffic, and tha...
其他部分学校会要求提供一份1000字左右的English writing sample Transcript+在读证明(国内未毕业学生)/毕业证+学位证(已毕业)等 (二)申请步骤 确定研究方向 确定博士导师及院校 撰写研究计划(Research Proposal,简称RP) 与导师联系套磁,获得推荐 根据导师建议修改RP ...
Common App Common Application(简称CA),是目前美国本科申请使用最广的申请系统。它是美国大学本科入学网上申请的一站式网站,适用于包括哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿等名校在内的700+所美国大学。Common Application的目标是为学生提供一个更便捷的途径,使他们能够更全面地展示自己的学术和非学术背景,从而增加被接受的机会。该平台...
College admissions experts offer tips on choosing a topic as well as writing and editing the essay. Cole ClaybournFeb. 7, 2025 Europe hosted 64% of U.S. students studying abroad, with Italy, the U.K. and Spain the most popular destinations. Sarah Wood Feb. 5, 2025 Top Places...
However, when you start using the AI, this greatly expands how the laptop can be used, for tasks like texting, transcribing audio recordings, doing in-depth research, organizing a schedule, making content creation easier, and so much more. The latest AI functionality is just one keypress ...
通常情况下,KCL要求申请者的PS控制在500字以内,某些专业还会进一步细化拆分成不同问题,每个问题设定250字的上限。此外,部分专业在要求提交PS的同时,还需附加写作样本(Writing Sample)。 以Cultural & Creative Industries MA为例,申请者不仅要撰写一篇500字的个人陈述,阐述申请动机、个人兴趣与学术背景的契合度,以及未来...