我的世界Faithful PBR材质包|Minecraft1.19.3 《我的世界Faithful PBR材质包》是一款高质量的材质包,旨在提升游戏画面的细节和真实感。它基于经典的Faithful材质包,保留了原版的风格,同时加入了PBR(物理基础渲染)技术,使光照、反射等效果更加真实。玩家可以享受更精致的纹理和更生动的视觉体验,同时保持《我的世界》原本...
Faithful PBR 材质包由作者“PapaChefCool”所制作,像素为512×512,1024×1024,2048×2048。 想要比512×512像素更高的极致像素材质包吗?那么Faithful PBR一定会非常适合你。 Faithful PBR有着超高像素PBR纹理,并且使用了光影,LabPBR,映射,环境音效,光线散射等各种技术,是一个绝对顶级的材质包。
Want a good looking PBR pack that's not too intensive to run? Well this pack is for you!This pack features Ultra detailed PBR textures to give the faithful 32x resourcepack a realistic look when used with shaders. This pack utilises the LabPBR materials like normal mapping, ambient ...
Faithful PBR is an add-on for the normal Faithful 32x, which you surely already know. With the new PBR materials, all the blocks in Faithful become much more detailed and simply look better. The environment is almost completely retextured. This will put you far ahead of all your friends wh...
Faithful PBR Autogen ByPapaChefCool Resource Packs 3,583 Description This version of Faithul PBR uses texture generators (and a little bit of manual texture manipulation) to give Specular and Normal maps to the Faithful 32x Resource pack. This pack is at the original 32x resolution, making it...
What is Faithful 32x PBR 1.19.3 PvP Texture Pack This majestic lookingFaithful texture packwas designed and created by the pack maker who goes by the name PapaChefCool. He is a well-known PBR texture pack creator. The main features of this pack include well defined textures with a combinati...
我的世界Faithful PBR材质包由作者“PapaChefCool”所制作,像素为2048×。它是拥有比512×更高像素的极致PBR纹理材质包,并且使用了光影,LabPBR,映射,环境音效,光线散射等各种技术,是一个绝对顶级的材质包。如果你的没有高端的显卡,还是请谨慎下载这个材质包哦。
我的世界Faithful PBR材质包由作者“PapaChefCool”所制作,像素为2048×。它是拥有比512×更高像素的极致PBR纹理材质包,并且使用了光影,LabPBR,映射,环境音效,光线散射等各种技术,是一个绝对顶级的材质包。如果你的没有高端的显卡,还是请谨慎下载这个材质包哦。 安装说明 1、下载解压文件,得到ZIP材质包压缩包,然后...
Faithful 32x PBR 1.19.3 PvP Texture Pack November 7, 2022 Can't get enough of Faithful packs? Well, Faithful 32x PBR 1.19.3 PvP Texture Pack is one of the newest ones which you can download and ... Read More Faithful Top 3 Faithful Texture Packs for Minecraft 1.19.1 July 19, ...
PBRPBR 平面 素材 图标图标 元素元素 背景背景 PPTPPT 字体字体 动图动图 模板 在线设计在线设计 样机样机 海报海报 插画插画 UIUI 淘宝淘宝 图库 高清图库高清图库 免费商用(cc0)免费商用(cc0) 版权商用(9元)版权商用(9元) 游戏 美术 图标图标 UIUI ...