Faithful PBR 材质包由作者“PapaChefCool”所制作,像素为512×512,1024×1024,2048×2048。 想要比512×512像素更高的极致像素材质包吗?那么Faithful PBR一定会非常适合你。 Faithful PBR有着超高像素PBR纹理,并且使用了光影,LabPBR,映射,环境音效,光线散射等各种技术,是一个绝对顶级的材质包。
Love my resource pack but want something more high-res? This pack is for you! This pack features Ultra detailed PBR textures to give the faithful 32x resourcepack a realistic look when used with shaders. This pack utilises the LabPBR materials like normal mapping, ambient occlusion and subsur...
它基于经典的Faithful材质包,保留了原版的风格,同时加入了PBR(物理基础渲染)技术,使光照、反射等效果更加真实。玩家可以享受更精致的纹理和更生动的视觉体验,同时保持《我的世界》原本的简约风格。 材质包特色 超高像素纹理:提供256x、2048x像素以上的高清PBR纹理,细节丰富,画面更加真实。 高级光影效果:采用光影技术和L...
Fortunately, all resolutions from 32x to 2048x are free and therefore you can test each pack. Then you can choose the pack with the highest FPS. Optimally, you will achieve 30-45 FPS in Minecraft. ABOUT PROJECT Faithful PBRwas published on December 30, 2019 and is compatible with these Mi...