The meaning of FAIR is marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism. How to use fair in a sentence. Fair in Love and War Synonym Discussion of Fair.
The meaning of FAIR is marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism. How to use fair in a sentence. Fair in Love and War Synonym Discussion of Fair.
a fair size/amount/number/bit/distance etc meaning, definition, what is a fair size/amount/number/bit/distance etc: quite a large size, number etc: Learn more.
fair crack of the whip —see2crack fair enough informal —used to say that something is reasonable or fair “I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them tomorrow.”“Fair enough.” “He needs more time.”“Fair enough, but we can't wait too much longer.” ...
Fairly also has a completely different meaning. It means 'to quite a large degree'. The information was fairly accurate. I wrote the first part fairly quickly. Be Careful!Don't use 'fairly' in front of a comparative form. Don't say, for example, 'The train is fairly quicker than the...
fair meaning, definition, what is fair: a fair situation, system, way of treatin...: Learn more.
(Brit.)(of the weather) be fine and likely to stay fine for a time (英)(天气)持续晴朗 fair off 或 fair up &I{【多用于美国南部】} To become clear. Used of weather. 放晴:变睛。用于天气 展开全部 同义词辨析 beautiful, fair, handsome, lovely, pretty, fine ...
fair crack of the whip —see2crack fair enough informal —used to say that something is reasonable or fair “I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them tomorrow.”“Fair enough.” “He needs more time.”“Fair enough, but we can't wait too much longer.” ...
This reflects the time value of money and represents the amount of money that the parent would have to put aside at the date of acquisition in order to be able to pay for the subsidiary on the due date. Assuming that no amounts have been recorded by t...
Compare that to going through Alibaba and having samples mailed internationally back and forth and you’ll soon realize thatattending the Canton Fair will save you an enormous amount of timeand headache. I do have a couple of comments on samples that you should definitely be aware of. Sometimes...