discriminating may also request payment of a reasonable amount of money as compensation for nonproprietary damage caused to them. daccess-ods.un.org 权利因为歧视遭到了侵犯的人, 也可以要求支付一笔金额合理的钱, 以补 偿给 他们造成的非专门损害。 daccess-ods.un.org Meanwhile, the Government can...
解析 A。解析:“fair”有多个意思,在“a fair amount of”中表示“相当多的”,“considerable”有“相当多的、相当大的”意思;在“fair in his dealings”中表示“公正的、公平的”,“just”也有“公正的”意思。根据上下文,老人有相当多钱,并且交易很公正,所以A选项正确。
这个形容词也可以用来描述某种适度的状态或适度大的量: 虽然房子很旧,但仍很完好。 Though the house was old, it was still in fair shape. 到他退休时,他已经存了相当多的钱。 By the time he retired, he had saved a fair amount of money. 作为名词,“fair”专指有参展商或销售商的娱乐或专业聚会...
(3)fair作形容词,还意为“相当大(多、远)的”。 They’ve made a fair amount of money. 他们赚了相当大的一笔钱。 (4)fair作形容词,也意为“(肤色)浅的,(头发)金色的”。 Her daughter has big eyes and fair hair. 她的女儿长着大大的眼睛,金色的头发。 【拓展】 fair作名词,意为“(定期)集市...
1. It prefers afair amountof nutritious detritus.2. She has afair amountof money put by.3. ...
She used afair amountof poetic licence when describing her life in rural France. The new job involves afair amountof travel. She has afair amountof money put by. Dina encountered afair amountof envy among her colleagues. I've still got afair amountof work left to do. ...
首先,“plenty of”这个短语用来描述大量的、充裕的物品或资源,可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。它相当于“a large amount; a lot of / lots of”的意思,用于强调数量之多。例如:“plenty of eggs”表示“大量的鸡蛋”,“plenty of time”表示“充裕的时间”,“plenty of money”则表示“充裕的...
试题来源: 解析 D本题考查形容词。题干:第一次往股市投钱就投少一些。划线单词minute做名词时,意思是“分钟”,做形容词时,意思是“琐碎的,细小的”,本题中做形容词。四个选项:certain“确定的”,fair“良好的”,full“全的、满的”,small“小的”。根据题意,正确为D。
Fair can mean ‘equitable'. For example, if a financial deal was fair, it means that you received the correct amount of money. Fair可以表示“公平的”。例如,如果一笔财务交易是公平的,这意味着你收到了正确的金额。 Eg: The price he offered was a fair ...
It means that I received the correct amount of money. My car is worth £2000 and I received £2000. It looks like there's a fair chance it will rain tonight. A fair chance is a set phrase and it describes the likelihood of somethin...