编辑或者修改后的dashboard保存为json文件,在其他环境导入使用,报错Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 问题原因为:从其他grafana导出的dashboardjson文件中,数据源是写的固定的,如果当前要显示的监控数据的数据源名称跟这个不同,就会报错。 解决 将json文件中所有的uid...
在Grafana中导入json文件时,有时会遇到“Templating Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxx not found”的错误。这个错误通常意味着Grafana无法找到指定的数据源(Datasource)。要解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确认数据源存在:首先,请确保你要导入的json文件中引用的数据源在你的Grafana实例中确实...
When I export my dashboard and import it again in another server, I get this error. I think the problem is whith the datasource UID. So can I export the dashboard without the UID or is there any another solution to change it when I import it again in another server Hi@youssefbenfarh...
grafana导入dashboard后报错e.replace is not a function Rocky8 Linux yum安装grafana,默认安装的是grafana7.5.15。 Data source添加正常无报错。 import 8919 进入新导入的dashboard,页面右上角一堆报错。 报错信息: Failed to upgrade legacy queries e.replace is not a function Error updating options: e.repl...
打开该dashboard 后报 Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 因为从其他grafana 导出的dashboard数据源是写死的,当前的监控数据数据源跟导入的数据源不同,所以错误,无法正常显示数据。 解决:直接修改json文本中"datasource": 为正确值 ...
Grafana with Prometheus Node Export got error "Templating Failed to upgrade legacy queries e.replace is not a function" GrafanaPrometheus templating ekdma1403November 7, 2022, 7:28am1 HI i am sehun, i installed Prometheus + Node Exporter + Grafana...
I was able to add something like this to resolve it for now if anyone else ends up here, I will keep an eye out for opportunity to upgrade. UNION SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS "time", 'null' AS metric, 0 AS trigger_notification ...
Active Directory upgrade path from 2008 R2 to 2016 ? active directory user Active Directory User Account Question - Object "name" contains other objects. Are you sure you want to delete object "name" and all of the objects it contains? Active Directory user with computer mapping Active Director...
I am very new to PKI and I am currently trying to set up an two-tier PKI environment.The OS for my Root CA and Sub CA are Windows server 2016 and I am using a luna HSM to store my keys.I have successfully setting up my Root CA and Sub CA without any errors but when I am ...
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