编辑或者修改后的dashboard保存为json文件,在其他环境导入使用,报错Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 问题原因为:从其他grafana导出的dashboardjson文件中,数据源是写的固定的,如果当前要显示的监控数据的数据源名称跟这个不同,就会报错。 解决 将json文件中所有的uid...
尝试清理Grafana的缓存,然后重新导入json文件。你可以在Grafana后台找到缓存清理的相关选项,或者重启Grafana服务以清除缓存。 更新Grafana版本:如果你使用的是较旧的Grafana版本,可能会存在兼容性问题。尝试升级到最新版本的Grafana,以确保与json文件和数据源的兼容性。下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示如何正确配置数据源和导入...
Please provide some details so that the community members can help you out. STEP 2 - with developer tools open (F12) click on the request you made to bring up the data sources
打开该dashboard 后报 Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 因为从其他grafana 导出的dashboard数据源是写死的,当前的监控数据数据源跟导入的数据源不同,所以错误,无法正常显示数据。 解决:直接修改json文本中"datasource": 为正确值 注意:第一个datasource 为"data...
It seems that the new revisions of the “Node Template Full” grafana dashboard (ID 1860) is not compatible with Grafana 8. Maybe it’s compatible with Grafana 9, but I couldn’t find any docker image of it The way I could see it, is when g...
We have added #67924 to 9.5.7 and newer Grafana versions, this should resolve the issue when switching back and forth from legacy alerting to Grafana Alerting. armandgrillet closed this as completed Aug 23, 2023 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account...
Grafana 来宾配置 Hardwaresecuritymodules HDInsight HDInsight 容器 运行状况机器人 医疗保健 API 混合计算 混合连接 混合容器服务 混合Kubernetes Hybridnetwork IoT 密钥保管库 Kubernetes 配置 实验室服务 负载测试 逻辑应用 机器学习 维护 托管网络 托管服务标识 托管服务 管理合作伙伴 Maps 市场订购...
Ok so two questions to Grafana folks. Can updateIntervalSeconds option be added to the helm chart to easily allow bumping that interval? And the other question is about actual dashboards which don't have unique IDs. Can you somehow force people who maintain them to apply some ID?
(. | toYaml) $ | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} # Should authentication be enabled auth_enabled: false # -- Tenants list to be created on nginx htpasswd file, with name and password keys tenants: [] # -- Check https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/configuration/#server for more info ...