如果rpcbind已经安装,但systemd仍然报告“unit not found”,可能是因为systemd没有识别到新的服务单元。 你可以尝试重新加载systemd的配置来解决这个问题: bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload 然后再次尝试启动rpcbind服务: bash sudo systemctl start rpcbind 检查系统日志,了解是否有关于rpcbind.service的更多错误信息:...
发现报错rpcbind.socket failed to listen on sockets: Address family not supported by protocol, 看下rpcbind.socket的systemd文件 # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/rpcbind.socket[Unit]Description=RPCbind Server Activation Socket[Socket]ListenStream=/var/run/rpcbind.sockListenStream=[::]:111ListenStream=0.0....
[root@019squid]# service httpd stopStopping httpd: [OK] [root@019squid]# chkconfig httpd off 启动squid服务验证: [root@019squid]# service squid startStarting squid: . [OK] [root@019squid]# netstat -anpt |grep squidtcp0020.20.20.19:800.0.0.0:* LISTEN3054/(squid)...
Suppose you are trying to start the rpcbind service on a system and its getting failed below error. I. Error Message ### Check status of the service [root@ngelinux001 ~]# service rpcbind status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status rpcbind.service ● rpcbind.service - RPC bind service ...
[...] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [...] systemd[1]: Failed to start Login Service. polkit.service および tuned.service が起動に失敗したため、RHEL 7.6 は定期的に正常に起動しません。これは、10 から 20 回の起動ごとに約 1 ...
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 然后发现查看外国网站找到了一个解决办法: systemctl enable rpcbind systemctl start rpcbind systemctl start nfs-server 1. 2. 3. 这是网站出处:https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=193410
[...] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [...] systemd[1]: Failed to start Login Service. RHEL 7.6 有时可能无法正确引导,因为 polkit.service 和 tuned.service 启动失败。发生这个问题的频率大约是 10 到 20 次启动中发生 1 次。
[[email protected] ~]# systemctl start rpcbind //开启远程调用 [[email protected] ~]# netstat -ntap | grep rpc 查看TCP端口 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3035/rpc.mountd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3033/rpc.statd ...
socket failed to listen on sockets: Address family not supported by protocol Sep 29 09:39:47 myhost systemd: Failed to listen on RPCbind Server Activation Socket. 解决办法 修改/etc/sysctl.conf 文件 添加如下两行 net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1...
tcp00:::111:::* LISTEN1665/rpcbind tcp00:::80:::* LISTEN2925/httpd 发现80端口被httpd服务占用 解决办法: 关闭httpd服务,并禁止httpd服务开机自启 [root@019squid]# service httpd stopStopping httpd: [OK] [root@019squid]# chkconfig httpd off ...