The command systemctl enable rpcbind.service seems not work. The rpcbind.service does not start after rebooting.How to make/force the rpcbind.service auto start in systemd on Linux?You an force the rpcbind.service to start by making it be “wanted” by the target such as multi-user:...
2.2 Checking RPC and NFS whether has installed at Service Service: rpm -aq nfs-utils portmap rpcbind If the PRC and NFS haven’t installed, you can user “ yum install nfs-utils rpcbind -y” 2.3 Start NFS and RPC Service at Service switch to NFS Service Firstly start RPC Service at s...
To do their work, network clients connect to corresponding network servers.Unixnetwork servers come in many forms. A server program can listen to a port on its own or through a secondary server. In addition, servers have no common configuration database and a wide variety of features. Most s...
Enable the services at boot time: Raw # systemctl enable nfs-server # systemctl enable rpcbind # systemctl enable nfs-lock <-- In RHEL7.1 (nfs-utils-1.3.0-8.el7) this does not work (No such file or directory). it does not need to be enabled since rpc-statd.service is static. #...
rpcbind: syslog multipathd: syslog nfs: rpcbind . . . . mcelog: smbfs network-remotefs: smbfs haldaemon In the “make” mode, startpar uses the .depend.start file to find which dependent services needs to be started in order to start to start a specific service. ...
servers have no common configuration database and a wide variety of features. Most servers have a configuration file to control their behavior (though with no common format), and most use the operating system’s syslog service for message logging. We’ll look at some common servers as well as...
Install NFS in Linux The next step is to enable theNFSservices as shown. $ sudo systemctl enable nfs-server $ sudo systemctl enable rpcbind Be sure to also start theNFSservices. $ sudo systemctl enable nfs-server $ sudo systemctl enable rpcbind ...
On your NFS host, enable and start the NFS service: $sudosystemctlenable--nownfs-server You must also start the rpcbind service, which NFS uses for port mapping: $sudosystemctlenable--nowrpcbind Set a shared location On your NFS host, create a location on the filesystem to share with cl...
Before I start, I need to make sure that the proper packages are installed on my system: # yum install kmod-vdo vdo nfs-utils rpcbind snapper Configuring VDO Now I can move on to configuring my VDO device. VDO is a device mapper module which adds data reduction capabilities to the Linux...
Dear I want to bring up Wifi module by using SD/MMC (SDIO interface, use USDHC1 slot). There is no usdhc1 part in the original kernel dts file. So I