Recently, when we are building FreeCAD with MSVC, there are 2 tests failed when runningFreeCADcmd.exe --runtest 0 TestFemApp (unittest.loader._FailedTest.TestFemApp) ImportError: Failed to import test module: TestFemApp Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\gitP\FreeCAD\FreeCAD\...
() @ 0x4d1f01 cblox::SubmapMesher::generateCombinedMesh<>() @ 0x4ce8e8 voxgraph::SubmapVisuals::publishCombinedMesh() @ 0x45d31c _ZZN8voxgraph15ThreadingHelper22launchBackgroundThreadIMNS_13SubmapVisualsEFvRKN5cblox16SubmapCollectionINS_14VoxgraphSubmapEEERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_...
Hi , I had a similar problem when I was trying to model a thin/ baffle surface in Pointwise I had mixed grids on my baffle surface and when the volume mesher was done , it would locally modify the grids on the baffle surface. When I brought in the .vml file that pointwise suggests ...
- run: fluent3DMeshToFoam to create openFOAM tetrahedral polymesh - run: polyDualMesh 70 -concaveMultiCells I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of: errors I have made, something I have misunderstood, or maybe another openFOAM tool that can be used to ...
Once you have a boundary mesh you should run this check to see if there are any overlapping triangles. Rather than try and make the tet mesher do something with this bad boundary, you can go back and add seeds, use geometry repair, use virtual topology... Upvote 0 Downvote Not open ...