However, I am always getting the error: Mesher failed to mesh topological edges. Does anyone know any solutions to this? Thanks, Minal October 13, 2022 at 10:19 pm peteroznewman Subscriber Please show the full geometry and where you chose to slice out the section. If you don't have the...
The fluid in the shell part failed to mesh, rest everything has been meshed. In the Messages it is showing error as 1."Mesher failed to mesh topological edges." 2."The mesher can not determine the endpoints for one or more edges." 3."A mesh could not be generated using the current...
Learning algorithms that aim to topologically modify a 2D mesh. More specifically, we implement the work ofA. Narayanana,Y. Pan, andP.-O. Persson, which is described in "Learning topological operations on meshes with application to block decomposition of polygons" (seearxiv articleand...
I don't know if you still have the same problem since it is bit outdated however I would like to say that your computations will not be able to convergence as long as wrong oriented faces exist in your mesh. You may skip the others, like non-orthogonal faces and skewness etc...