此处省略若干重复报错 time="2024-04-26 07:12:48" level=warning msg="failed to get stream url, will retry after 5s..." error="GetStreamUrls() failed, error: -9" host="尤优Baby" room="尝尝是不是初恋的味道~" time="2024-04-26 07:12:49" level=info msg="Record End" host="尤优Ba...
php错误提示之failed to open stream 下载文件,使用file_get_contents报错。 本地测试,php7.4可以,7.2就不行。 1、打开php.ini 找到 allow_url_fopen=On 如果有;屏蔽,就打开。 2、如果仍报错,找到user_agent,看是否屏蔽,默认 user_agent="PHP" 3、假如还是不行,修改为: user_agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible...
24.10.2012 16:03:17.564 Error Adapter Framework caught exception: java.io.IOException: Failed to get the input stream from socket: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed 24.10.2012 16:03:17.565 Error Delivering the message to the application using connection SOAP_htt...
当使用php5自带的file_get_contents方法来获取远程文件的时候,有时候会出现file_get_contents(): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!这个警告信息。 google或者baidu一下,好多这样的问题,解决的方法都是修改PHP.ini,把allow_url_fopen给启用,改成 allow_url_fopen = On 这样做可以解决某些人的问题,有...
Description We're currently running a site on Craft version and are updating to 3.5.8. However, we're receiving this error in our staging environment: Warning: require_once(//composer/autoload_real.php): failed to open stream: No...
我再用的是php7.4和8.0,其中8.0出现错误提示,那么如何解决failed-to-open-stream:-HTTP-request-failed的错误呢按照百度的教程有两种完美的解决办法。 第一种方法: 利用php伪造user_agent(伪造user agent的代码的位置)? file_get_contents伪造user_agent方法如下: ...
Failed to connect to server Hi, when I try to stream to Twitch, I get this error: "Failed to connect to server: Hostname found, but no data of the requested type. This can occur if you have bound to an IPv6 address and your streaming service only has IPv4 addresses (see Settings ...
Get the ruleType property: The type of the custom alert rule. Overrides: FailedLocalLoginsNotInAllowedRange.ruleType() Returns: the ruleType value.toJson public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) Overrides: FailedLocalLoginsNotInAllowedRange.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter...
Short Update: DJI Dev Support gave me the advice to use ffmepg (I am not sure but I think it's already used by OpenCV). When I use it in a python code, I have no output in the comandline, so no error and so on. But it still shows a replay with 60fps (Stream is 30fps) ...
Parameters info SerializationInfo The standard SerializationInfo. context StreamingContext The standard StreaminContext. Applies to ProductVersions PowerShell SDK7.2.0, 7.3.0 Windows PowerShell5.1.0.0 In this article Definition Applies to