time="2024-04-26 07:11:31" level=warning msg="failed to get stream url, will retry after 5s..." error="GetStreamUrls() failed, error: -9" host="尤优Baby" room="尝尝是不是初恋的味道~" 此处省略若干重复报错 time="2024-04-26 07:12:48" level=warning msg="failed to get stream u...
After you added the domain names, stream push using the ingest URL failed.Perform the following operations to locate the cause and rectify the fault:Checking the Network
编译报错“Failed to get a resolved OhmUrl by filepath xx” 场景一:问题现象 如果工程在本地可编译成功,压缩后拷贝到其他环境中……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
ImAStreamer Community Beginner , Sep 22, 2011 Copy link to clipboard I'm running the development edition of FMS 4.5 and am trying to get HLS working. Whenever I attempt to publish a stream from FMLE, I receive the message: f4f:livestream - NetStream.Record.DiskQuotaExceeded in ...
I have Osmo Pocket 3, and my top prio is to have a Live Streaming for Facebook Page. Now, my problem is that, it keeps saying that, " LIVE STREAM SETUP FAILED 1. CHECK NETWORK CONNECTION 2. CHECK WHETHER THE LIVESTREAM WAS CLOSED BY THE LIVESTREAM PLATFORM" This is my problem, I...
the extracted and edited stream_url needs to be processed with urljoin('https://hd-auth.skylinewebcams.com/', stream_url). This gives a 1280x1024 live stream that I can view with mpv: although static, birds fly and fabric blows in the wind. The live stream hands off to an updated ...
video using rtmp, so that I could view it in android using VLC. But when I am trying to do so, it is throwing an error "Failled to connect to server'. Steps I did: In setting, stream tab, changed service to custom And in server url: rtmp:// and tried to......
通过fs.createStreamSync只能获取到ArrayBuffer,如何转成number[] fs.open读取应用沙盒路径失败 如何获取到 resources下rawfile 的文件 报错“the parameters check fails this is fail path”如何解决? 字体管理器中注册自定义字体时字体文件的路径如何填写? native如何获取沙箱路径 照片和视频都存储在什么路径...
video using rtmp, so that I could view it in android using VLC. But when I am trying to do so, it is throwing an error "Failled to connect to server'. Steps I did: In setting, stream tab, changed service to custom And in server url: rtmp:// and tried to......
This may occur because the network of the streaming device is inaccessible, the domain status is abnormal, the CNAME does not take effect, the ingest URL is incorrect or has been used, or the live stream has been disabled. Follow the instructions in Failed to Push a Live Stream to rectify...