文件系统错误,输入root密码之后使用fsck /dev/sdaX查错
Failure:File system check of the root filesystem failed. (initramfs) 解决办法: 步骤如下 1、在initramfs下输入blkid命令可以查看所有磁盘,然后找到TYPE=“ext4”的分区;记录下磁盘的名字,我的是/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-buntu--lv(很明显,报错也是这个); 2、用fsck命令开始检查、修复(fsck是个很好用了磁盘...
“file system check of the root filesystem failed”意味着在尝试对根文件系统(即操作系统的主文件系统)进行文件系统检查时,该检查未能成功完成。这通常发生在系统启动过程中,当系统尝试确保文件系统的完整性和一致性时。 2. 可能的原因 文件系统损坏:文件系统可能由于硬件故障、突然断电、软件错误等原因而损坏。
长时间未使用Ubuntu 20.04虚拟机,将其移动至移动硬盘后,虚拟机出现故障,表现为文件系统错误。具体错误提示为:Failure: File system check of the root filesystem failed。搜索问题后,找到解决方案。核心操作是执行包含所有参数的命令进行文件系统检查。执行命令时,根据提示选择Yes,无需过多关注细节。
BusyBox v1.22.1(Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1)built-in shell(ash)Enter'help'fora list of built-in commands. 就一直卡在busybox中了。 解决方案 不知道该如何解决,就去搜索File system check of the root filesystem failed,然后找到了这个File system check of the root filesystem failed,虽然是mint不是...
Failure: File system check of the root filesystem failed The root filesystem on /dev/sda1 requires a manual fsck BusyBox v1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. ...
The question is who creates "/dev/root"? Hopefully not udev. Not sure what happened if you use the same fstab file on your NFS server and in the NAND file system. I suspect "rootfs" is not recognized by the embedded version of mount. It seems okay with...
During the boot process, we see a system drop into a dracut shell. On the screen, and also in the rdsosreport.txt file, we see the following error. Raw [FAILED] Failed to start Grow root filesystem. See 'systemctl status growfs.service' for details. [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Initr...
failure file system check of the root filesystem failed requires manual fsck 1. 应该是文件系统损坏了,需要手动修复,执行下面的命令: fsck -yf /dev/sda1 1. 参考:https://askubuntu.com/questions/885062/root-file-system-requires-manual-fsck