然后按照习惯check connection(http://android.com),结果提示timeout,不用管,点Android SDK->Android SDK Location->Edit,选择自己的location,也可以用默认的,一路next,等待很近,然后提示成功(Up to date),然后点Finish,奇迹居然出现了,The android sdk location cannot be at the filesystem root提示消失了! 至...
Android Studio 新建项目时报错:The project location cannot be at the filesystem root。(项目位置不能在文件系统根目录下)。D盘不是我系统目录,为了避免C盘重装系统时会格式化文件,最好是把项目建在非系统盘。怎么办?工具/原料 Android Studio 方法/步骤 1 在D盘根目录新建目录"AndroidStudioProjects"2 在Pr...
1、docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? 原因:Docker未正常启动 解决方式:systemctl start docker 2、can't create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: is a directory 原因:docker.sock不能创建 解决方式:rm -rf /var/run/docker...
1、docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? 原因:Docker未正常启动 解决方式:systemctl start docker 2、can't create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: is a directory 原因:docker.sock不能创建 解决方式:rm -rf /var/run/docker...
Commented lines can remain in the fstab file, but they won't be processed. We recommend that you comment fstab lines that you're unsure about instead of removing the lines. Mount the data disks on Azure VMs by using the UUID of the file system partition. To determine the UUID of ...
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, OS Error: Permission denied, errno = 13 #0 _File.throwIfError (dart:io/file_impl.dart:635:7) #1 _File.openSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:479:5) #2 _File.writeAsBytesSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:604:31) #3 _File.writeAsStringSync (dart:io/...
Hi! Unfortunately I have a big problem with my NAS. There is important data on the Raid 5 volume (consisting of 4 4TB hard drives). The raid seems to be fine, more likely a problem with the file system (btrfs). I hope someone can help me with my problem
And there is a project composer file which is outside docroot using which I am trying to update drupal core. There is another patch mentioned in project's composer.json file for the panelizer module. So whenever I try to update the drupal core, panelizer module is getting deleted and ...
File System: NTFSModel: ST2000VX008-2E3164 Drive: F:Free Space: 164.8 GBTotal Space: 950.0 GBFile System: NTFSModel: ST2000VX008-2E3164 Drive: H:Free Space: 470.0 GBTotal Space: 3112.2 GBFile System: NTFSModel: Seagate Backup+ Hub BK SCSI Disk Device Drive: I:Free...
When I run FTP command “RENAME File1 File.tmp” and File1 doesn’t exist,OutPut in WinServ 2003 = 550 File1: The system cannot find the file specified. OutPut in WinServ 2012 = 550 The system cannot find the file specified. (FileName is not displayed)...