I'll ask clients why they think they've gained weight and they'll typically respond with 'what to eat' or that they need a meal plan. I then asked them to list 5 to 10 principles of healthy eating and they can all come up with ideas such as eating more fruits and vegetables, ...
while another group was told to make a specific study plan with details of what they would do, where, and when. Nobodyactuallystudied during the experiment, they were just made to “think” about or “plan” their studying. When given word fragments to...
“It’s going to take a year to teach people how to respond to the new pricing,” he said. “We will return to growth next year.” He laughed off a question about the increasing pressure. “I’m trying to position JCP for the next 100 years,” he said, “not this year.” The ...
Gantz also warns of a possible derivative war between top bankers that could bring the global economy down. Gantz contends, “Once somebody begins to change the way they look at derivatives, and start using derivatives as a weapon . . . they’re going to fight between each other. These ar...
At the same time,don't micromanage your tasks, or you'll feel locked in and unable to make adjustments and respond to things that come up. Use your dones as areference to make better, more responsive plans. Use implementation intentions in your planning. Animplementation intentionis a plannin...
大鹏金翅鸟 | 传说中,迦楼罗是神鸟修婆那族的首领,众鸟之王,又名金翅鸟,还有妙翼、神速者等等美名。 链接 关于迦楼罗的故事,我感觉好笑的是:迦德卢许愿有一千个有着同等神光的儿子,不久之后,她下了1000个蛋 她下那么多,不怕卡蛋吗?哪怕卡一个,也要命啊 。而另一个聪明多了,只许愿要俩、还要求个个比迦...
8 Furthermore, they respond more slowly to central bank changes in interest rates, making it more difficult to get out of recession. One conclusion of this study is that banking consolidation could boost systematic risk, the risk that cannot be eliminated or reduced via diversification. Simon ...