Notice the tone of that makes the murderous commie dictators in China the reasonable ones. Trump and the insanely-murderous Nork, commie dictator are the unruly ones. What they refuse to see is that the murderous commie dictators in China like it when the world backs down from the maniac run...
You're not mindful. When you eat, be present at the meal. Notice the taste, texture, temperature, and aroma of your food. Enjoy each bite and listen to how it makes your body feel. Don't be distracted by the tv, computer, or cell phone, as distracted eaters eat more but feel less...
Senses Fail quickly issued a debut EP through Boston indie ECA and began to play out frequently while spreading the word with a thriving Internet presence. Drive-Thru Records took notice and signed the group in late 2002. A revamped version of the From the Depths of Dreams EP appeared in ...
However long your brain takes to become accustomed to your partner to the point that you no longer experience dopamine releases can vary; in some cases it might just take weeks, and in other cases it can last years (this partially explains the common myth of the 7-year itch, when couples...
and being moved by the left hand, which doesn’t lend itself to quotation because it’s often there by implication or comes into the foreground only in the final moments of a poem. In ‘A Parting Word’, a rendering of Heinrich Heine’s ‘Der Scheidende’, Malouf the translator engages...
[This is an important essay, so I'm going to make it a top post at WUWT for a day. New stories will appear below this one. -Anthony] Guest Post by Bob Tisdale OVERVIEW I recently presented the modeled energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA
Of the four short stories, ‘Womanhood‘ by Mubanga Kalimamukwento, a Zambian coming of age story involving female genital modification, had most impact on me. ‘The Sublime Composition‘ by Gareth Sion Jenkins incorporates elements of Microsoft Word’s track changes feature in a deconstruction of...
大鹏金翅鸟 | 传说中,迦楼罗是神鸟修婆那族的首领,众鸟之王,又名金翅鸟,还有妙翼、神速者等等美名。 链接 关于迦楼罗的故事,我感觉好笑的是:迦德卢许愿有一千个有着同等神光的儿子,不久之后,她下了1000个蛋 她下那么多,不怕卡蛋吗?哪怕卡一个,也要命啊 。而另一个聪明多了,只许愿要俩、还要求个个比迦...