Sex hormone-binding globulin SNRIs: Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor SSRIs: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors STP: Sexual tipping point UTI: Urinary tract infection VAS: Visual analogue scale VPA: Vaginal pulse amplitude V...
Beta-Glucuronidase Binding Protein Beta-Hemolytic Group A Streptococci Beta Hydroxy Acid Beta-hydroxybutyrate Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Beta-Hydroxybutyrate/Acetoacetate Betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase英汉缩略语词收录了1186255条英文缩写词条,提供最新英文缩写(缩略词)查询及其意思解释,包括月份的英文缩写,有限公司英文缩...
Cytochrome b-245 is a flavocytochrome containing FAD and the NADPH-binding site of the microbicidal oxidase of phagocytes. In vivo Multiphoton Microscopy of NADH and FAD Redox States, Fluorescence Lifetimes, and Cellular Morphology in Precancerous Epithelia ...
4) FAD-binding domain FAD结合区 5) fly ash disposal 飞灰处理 FAD 6) FAD(failure assessment diagram) 失效评定曲线(FAD) 补充资料:酒化酶、醇酶、发酵酶 分子式: CAS号: 性质:又称酒化酶、醇酶、发酵酶。从酵母中分离而得的一系列酶。不耐热。它能催化酒精发酵反应,与糖酵解有关,如磷酸化酶、醛缩...
我无法抹去 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] a也许是线路断了 Perhaps was the line breaks [translate] aAnalysis of allosteric effector binding sites of potato ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase through reverse genetics. 对土豆ADP葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶allosteric动作器束缚位置的分析通过反向遗传学。 [translate] a...
6、 of ahfad: free and membrane-binding ahfad branch. in membrane-binding ahfad branch, the origin of ahfad4/5 was the earliest, the -3 ahfad was evolved from -6 ahfad, and the mono-dicotyledonous ahfad was clustered in different branches. the expression levels of ahsad, ahfad2 and ahfad...
Fad2基因的研究与应用进展 常颖,屈淑平,崔崇士宰 (东北农业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨,150030) 摘要:Fad2基因是控制油酸向亚油酸转化的关键基因,直接决定..
CFTR蛋白属于ATP-binding cassette (ABC)超家族。与其它利用ATP水解产生的化学能来逆浓度梯度的转运底物的ABC转运蛋白不同,CFTR是顺电化学梯度转运阴离子的ATP门控离子通道。结构上,CFTR包含了一个N端的lasso motif, 两个形成阴离子转运通路的跨膜结构域(TMDs...
骑马钉saddle stitch,staple胶装perfectbound /binding Wire钉Wire-O binding YO圈 锁线:scwing规格:specification简称specs 车中线:single sewing 精装书:case(hard) bound bookcloth book 空白页:unprint pageblank page未切页:uncut pages 封面:Cover内文:Text/content 自封:self cover信封:envelope 前封面(封一)...
也称为绑定(binding),为了将对象置于运行状态,允许调用它所支持的操作。对象可在运行时进行捆绑,也可在编译时进行捆绑,前者称为后期绑定或动态绑定,后者称为静态绑定。 bytecode(字节代码) 在Java虚拟机内执行的Java代码的可执行形式。也称为解释程序代码(interpreted code)、伪代码或p-代码。 cache(高速缓存) 通...