UTS-Faculty of Health Nursing QS 2019世界大学排名 全澳第一,全球第十课堂跟模拟实验室在一起,理论&实操结合更有多种🆓 support帮助学生完成学业以及get到心怡的工作👍
悉尼科技大学 Faculty of Health 两个全奖开放申请,转需。topics涵盖:Clinical Psychology Orthoptics Phar...
●本科学历和背景要求:申请人必须已完成UTS认可的学士学位,或同等或更高学历,或提交其他普通和专业学历证明,以证明其具备继续攻读研究生课程的潜力。 以下为各个硕士课程特殊背景要求: ♦人工智能硕士Master of Artificial Intelligence、网络安全硕士Master of Cybersecurity、网络安全硕士(扩展课程)Master of Cybersecurit...
•Ms. Kye-Ling graduated from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), with a double degree in Bachelor of Education (Primary) and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies. As part of the International Studies degree, she attended one year of in-country study at Zhejiang University, Ha...
19. Master of Sport Management University of Technology Sydney - UTS Business School Australia 20. Graduate Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management The University of Western Australia - School of Human Sciences Portugal 21. Postgraduate Degree S...
Deputy Principal of Primary School & PYP Coordinator 小学部副校长兼PYP协调员 •Jeremiah是爱莎荔湾小学部副校长兼PYP协调员,他有18年教学和学校管理经验,获南洋理工大学教育学学士学位、悉尼大学跨文化交际硕士学位和哈佛大学教育研究生院学校管理和领导力证书。
“Many are struggling with digital divide issues and additional mental health stress and can’t learn as well in an online environment,” she said. “Hive Mind gives them the one-on-one support they need right now.” While available to all high-school students, Hive Mind is b...
悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney,简称UTS),始创于1988 年,是目前澳大利亚最大的综合性政府公立大学之一,被誉为“澳大利亚最受尊敬的大学”之一,在澳洲高校各项指标评估中名列前茅。 该大学是澳大利亚科技大学联盟(ATN)、中澳工科大学联盟(SAEUC)、英联邦大学协会(ACU)的重要成员,是经AACSB认证的顶尖学府...