UT Health San Antonio UT Health Careers 210-567-2600 7703 Floyd Curl DriveSan Antonio, TX 78229 Map and directions careers@uthscsa.edu About us Contact us Faculty directory Job openings Newsroom We make lives better ® The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, also ...
The Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology in the Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonioinvites applications for faculty positions at the Associate or Full Professor rank.Individuals holding a Ph.D., DVM, or MD with an outstanding record of innovative...
When asked about space for a College farm in Austin, supporters quickly pointed to the 500-acre tract of land along the Colorado River, recently donated to the University in 1910 by San Antonio Regent George Brackenridge (and known today as the Brackenridge Tract). Will Hogg was initially for...
It was a balmy spring Monday evening, April 1, 1912, when the University faculty gathered for their monthly dinner. A mostly-social event, it was scheduled at the University Club, located just west of campus on San Antonio Street. Though the meal was funded through club dues, the professors...