Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
[Newer achievements in maize creation in the Institute for Plant Breeding and Production at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Zagreb [Yugoslavia]] The tests performed on maize also tested and accurately dealt with a large number of hybrid combinations within adequate plant maturity groups which...
School of Business and Economics School of Medicine: Charité - University Medicine Berlin 亚琛工业大学QS106 亚琛工业大学是专业设置比较全面的大学了,不仅有齐全的理工专业可选,还提供了丰富的人文社科类专业。院系如下: Faculty 1 Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty 2 Architecture Facult...
必应词典为您提供Faculty-of-Agricultural-and-Environmental-Sciences的释义,网络释义: 农业与环境科学学院;农业和环境科学;农业及环境科学学院;
[translate] aNice to me you Niza a mí usted [translate] aname and address of consignee 承销人姓名和地址 [translate] aissue d 问题 [translate] afaculty of agricultural and enviromental sciences 农业和环境科学才干 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 ...
医学院 Faculty of Medicine (1901年与毕索大学医学院合并) 牙科学院 Faculty of Dentistry 商学院 D esautels F aculty of Management 教育学院 Faculty of Education 农业与环境科学学院 Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 宗教研究学院 Faculty of Religious Studies ...
The University Of Queensland 商业与经济Business and Economics 农业综合企业Agribusiness 农业科学Agricultural Science 商学Business 工商管理Business Administration 商业分析Business Analytics 商业心理学Business Psychology 商业Commerce 通信Communication 数据科学Data Science ...
FSAFaculté des Sciences Agronomiques(French: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences; Bénin) FSAFood Security Act of 1985 FSAFonds de Solidarité Africain(French: African Solidarity Fund) FSAFile System Archiving(computing) FSAFabless Semiconductor Association(now Global Semiconductor Alliance) ...
FacultyofAgriculturalandFoodSciences UniversityofManitoba 256AgricultureBuilding Telephone:(204)474-9295 umanitoba.ca/afs 50thAnnual ProgressReview January2003—December2003 FacultyofAgricultural andFoodSciences UniversityofManitoba 1 TableofContents Dean’sMessage3 AcademicPrograms4 ResearchHighlights5 OutreachActivi...
a3 Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Technology, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, Iaşi 700490, Romania; E-Mail: pcarlescu@uaiasi.ro 3农业农业技术的才干,部门, “农学和兽医Iaşi, 3 Mihail...