The Dominican Republic is the second largest country in the Caribbean - after Cuba. The country is about the same size as Slovakia or twice the size of New Jersey/USA. A flight from London/ UK to Punta Cana/ Dominican Republic takes roughly 8.5 hours while from Miami/USA a flight takes ...
Currency Exchange Rate1 USD equals 17.138 Mexican peso Form Of Governmentfederal republic with two legislative houses (Senate [128]; Chamber of Deputies [500]) Official LanguageSpanish Official Religionnone Official NameEstados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) ...
The Mexican peso is the legally recognized currency in Mexico. It’s issued in nine banknotes and coins of different values. If you are visiting Mexico, you will need to bring pesos to conduct transactions. Learn about the origin and history of the peso, its designs and denominations, and h...
The Philippine islands are an archipelago of over 7,000 islands lying about 500 mi (805 km) off the southeast coast of Asia. The overall land area is comparable to that of Arizona. Only about 7% of the islands are larger than one square mile, and only one-third have names. The largest...
Official Name:Republic of the Philippines Form of Government:Presidential republic Capital:Manila Population:109,180,815 Official Languages:Filipino (based on Tagalog), English Currency:Philippine peso Area:About 115,831 square miles (300,000 square kilometers) ...
1Other government offices and ministries are located in Quezon City and other Manila suburbs.2Piso in Filipino; peso in English and Spanish. Photos and Videos National anthem of the Philippines See All Videos, Images, Audio and Interactives → ...
More about the meaning of colours in flags Mexico Map and Geography Mexico is located on the North American continent and shares borders with the USA in the North and Belize and Guatemala in the South. The border between Mexico and the USA is the second longest border in the world and is...
Infoplease has everything you need to know about Dominican Republic. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Dominican Republic's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages.
A very important bot that does the very important job of educating the public about animals. - animal-facts-bot/ at master · joel-g/animal-facts-bot
Infoplease has everything you need to know about Mexico. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Mexico's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages. If that's not enough, click over to