Click on any planet below to find out more about it: The Planets Mercury Facts Venus Facts Earth Facts Mars Facts Jupiter Facts Saturn Facts Uranus Facts Neptune Facts Facts about the Planets Mercury’s craters are named after famous artists, musicians and authors. Venus is the hottest planet ...
As Saturn has a very low density, if you were able to put it into water, it would float! Share If you like to watch the skies at night, you should check out these facts about one of the planets out there, the planet we call Saturn. Saturn is the lightest planet in our solar ...
Best known for its fabulous ring system, Saturn is the sixth planet from theSunand the second largest in our solar system. LikeJupiter, Saturn is agas giantand is composed of similar gasses including hydrogen, helium and methane. Facts about Saturn Saturn is the most distant planet that can ...
Named after the Greek god of the sky, the planet Uranus was discovered by the famous astronomer William Herschel in 1781. Too dim for the ancient scientists to see with the naked eye, it was the first planet to be located using a telescope. As a result, Uranus was thought at first to...
XTREME FACTS SATURNPresents facts about the planet Saturn.Boys Life
It's easy to enumerate more than 10 interesting facts about Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system, from the fact that it's lighter than water, to the secrets of its subterranean ocean. The outermost planet visible without a telescope, the Roman na
1. Saturn is the second-largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn comes in at amassive size, second only to Jupiter in our Solar System. It has a diameter of about 72,367 miles (116,460 kilometers), nearly nine times the diameter of Earth. If you want to get a sense of just how...
Shocking facts, sensational discoveries, inventions, research that can change the world and ideas about human capabilities!
Facts About Saturn: Lesson for Kids 3:48 Facts About the Solar System: Lesson for Kids 2:28 Kuiper Belt Facts: Lesson for Kids Planet Mercury Facts: Lesson for Kids 3:01 Meteor Facts: Lesson for Kids 2:56 Milky Way Facts: Lesson for Kids 3:23 NASA Facts: Lesson for Kids ...
Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, orbiting approximately 900 million miles from the sun. A day on Saturn is 10 hours long, but one of its years extends over 29 Earth years. Saturn is a gas giant, composed mainly of hydrogen with trace amounts of helium, methane,...